Marion-Multnomah County OR Archives News.....Strange Suicide April 23, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor August 31, 2008, 8:25 am The Oregonian April 23, 1893 Particulars Of The Remarkable Death of W.W.Trexler- The Stayton Times furnishes this account of the Trexler suicide; Last Saturday morning, as William Manus and Joe Carey, in company with W.W.Trexler, were coming into town, the latter surpised his companions by committing suicide, br drowning before their eyes as they crossed the bridge. They were all neighbors, living about two miles south of town, and were coming afoot. As they walked on the bridge Trexler asked how long it had been built, an dlooked over into the swiftly flowing water below, and Mr. Carey warned him to exercise some care or he might fall over. At this warning Trexler leaped over the railing, and stood on the iron cords that are a little lowr than the floor.Carey crossed toward him, when he stepped off the cords, catching them with his hands. Here he hung pending in the air for a moment, then released his grasp and fell a distance of about 22 feet into the river, some 10 feet deep. After being immersed, he rose to the surface and swam pretty lively for a while, but made no attempt to reach the shore. Mr.Carey ran off the bridge and reached the river bank below, opposite the still live body, and the drowning victim continued downward with the current until, with both hands upward, he sank to rise no more. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb