Marion County OR Archives News.....The New Millinery Store March 24, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor August 21, 2008, 7:37 pm The Daily Independent March 24, 1893 Miss S. Pinkham, of san Fransisco, who was formerly with Mrs. M.E. Wilson, on Commercial street, has, in partnership with Miss l. Sanford, lijewise from San Fransisco,opened millinery parlors at 100 Court street. Miss Pinkham is a youn glady well versed in the business she intends conducting, and has procured the services of a well known San Fransisco milliner named Mrs. Lewis. Their opening days will be Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and evening. Everything will be new and of the very latest styles. The stock that will be displayed ws selceted after having attended all of the openings in San Fransisco, and the consequence is that there will be displayed the very latest things in millinery novelties. Miss Pinkham was careful in selecting this stock to use her knowledge of what Salem people wanted; a knowledge that she has acquired during five seasons with mrs. Wilson in this city. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb