Multnomah County OR Archives Biographies.....Albers, William December 29, 1869 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley May 31, 2010, 1:51 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Pages 358 - 361 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company WILLIAM ALBERS. Among Portland's old and substantial business concerns is numbered the Albers Brothers Milling Company, of which William Albers is vice president. He has been identified with the business for many years and has gained a reputation as an able and progressive man of affairs. A native of Germany, he was born on the 29th of December, 1869, and is a son of Herman and Theresa (Voss) Albers, of whom the latter died in her native land. William Albers and Henry Albers came to Portland October 1, 1891, and his two brothers, Frank and George, with his sister and father, came to Portland a short time later, the father here spending his remaining days. His brother, Bernard, in partnership with Henry Tucke, opened a feed store on Front street between Madison and Main, and took into his employ William and Frank Albers. Later the business was moved to the northeast corner of Front and Main streets and soon afterward Bernard Albers sold his interest to Mr. Tucke. Bernard Albers then opened a feed store in the old location on Front, between Madison and Main streets, and his brothers William and Frank worked for him. Subsequently a building was erected for the business and the firm name became the Albers & Schneider Company. In June, 1895, they erected a new mill, at which time Bernard and Henry Albers and Schneider owned the business, the other brothers being in their employ. Later the brothers bought Schneider's interest and the firm name became the Albers Brothers Milling Company, and about 1905 all of the brothers, Bernard, Henry, George, William, and Frank became partners in the enterprise. William and George Albers are now the only survivors and are operating the business. They have prospered and the business has gradually and steadily expanded until today they have mills in Portland, Oregon; Seattle and Tacoma, Washington; and San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles, California, being numbered among the leading milling concerns of the Pacific coast. On April 26, 1904, William Albers was united in marriage to Miss Mary Miller, of Portland. He gives his political support to the republican party and during all the years of his residence here has been a loyal and public spirited citizen of his adopted country, standing ready at all times to cooperate in all movements for the advancement of the community's best interests. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Chamber of Commerce and the Press Club and is deservedly popular throughout the range of his acquaintance. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb