Multnomah-Marion County OR Archives Biographies.....Cole, Emma Howe ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley January 24, 2011, 2:39 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Page 795 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company EMMA HOWE COLE, owner of the Emma M. Howe Medical Laboratory of Portland, is a native of England but came to the United States in 1886. Her father, Thomas Howe, was born in England and in the year indicated brought his family to the new world. He was an English sportsman and the owner of the Oregon Kennels. He married Emma Rawlins, who was born in England, in which country their marriage was celebrated. Her death occurred in 1906, while Mr. Howe survived until 1925. The family home was established in Salem, Oregon, in 1886 and Emma Howe afterward attended the convent at Mount Angel, where she was graduated. In 1908 she came to Portland and studied under Dr. Matson in his laboratory, while subsequently she entered the laboratory of the state board of health, remaining there for twelve years, being the only woman in Portland doing that kind of work at that time. At all times she has kept abreast with scientific researches and discoveries along the line of her chosen life work through reading and study. She did special work at the University of California, under Dr. Geiger, during the outbreak of rabies in Oregon in 1914, and in 1927 took a special serological course in the Polytechnic Hospital in Philadelphia. Seven years ago, in 1921, she organized a business of her own, doing all kinds of serological laboratory work, and she now has three employes and also a graduate nurse. Mrs. Cole was the pioneer woman on the Pacific coast to undertake work of this character and she is still concentrating her efforts upon this field. In 1924 Emma Howe became the wife of John Cole, of Portland, who is now retired but who for several years was engaged in the produce business in Portland. He was born in Canada and came to Oregon early in 1880. Mrs. Cole is a member of the American Society of Bacteriologists and also of the Portland Woman's Club. She possesses attractive social qualities which have won her many friends, while her high professional standing is the direct outcome of her capability. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb