Multnomah County OR Archives Biographies.....Hattrem, Weber A. March 10, 1888 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley May 16, 2009, 11:52 am Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company WEBER A. HATTREM, who gave tangible proof of his patriotism and devotion to his country by gallant service during the World war, has advanced far on the highroad which leads to success and is well known in business and financial circles of Portland as an investment banker. He was born March 10, 1888, in Sauk Center, Minnesota, and was but a year old when his parents, A. J. and Josephine (Johanson) Hattrem, migrated to the state of Washington. They settled in Seattle and the father embarked in the real estate business, later becoming a dealer in hops. He passed away May 10, 1923, and the mother now resides in Chicago. In the grammar and high schools of Seattle, Weber A. Hattrem pursued his studies and earned his first money as office boy for the F. W. Woolworth Company. His diligence and trustworthiness won him rapid advancement and at the end of one and a half years he was made manager of a store. On the 1st of January, 1913, he arrived in San Francisco, California, and for a short time was advertising manager for Fred Hartsook & Company, photographers. Later he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and was employed for a few years as a salesman by the Wellsbach Company. In 1916 he located in Portland, Oregon, becoming a credit reporter for the Bradstreet Company, and remained with the corporation until 1918, when he enlisted in the United States army. At the end of a year's service he was honorably discharged and then returned to Portland, accepting a position in the bond house of Morris Brothers in February, 1920. He soon became recognized as one of their most capable representatives and decided upon an independent venture, severing his connection with the firm shortly before its failure. On the 1st of February, 1921, he became a dealer in high grade securities and in April, 1923, incorporated the business under the name of the Municipal Reserve & Bond Company, of which he is the president. The firm originates its own issues of municipal, corporation, school district and town bonds, dealing only in safe investments, and also handles first mortgages. Mr. Hattrem has a detailed knowledge of the business, which he conducts on a conservative basis, and gives special attention to the financial needs of each individual, thereby converting a casual customer into a loyal client. In Portland, Mr. Hattrem was married October 31, 1917, to Miss Josephine Rebecca Martin, a native of Nebraska, and they now have two sons: Weber A., Jr., and Donald William, aged respectively eight and six years. Mr. Hattrem has no fraternal or club affiliations and spends his leisure hours at home, being devoted to his family. A strong republican, he works in a quiet way for the success of the party but is not a politician. In all matters of citizenship he is loyal and public-spirited and his honesty and fidelity to duty are well known to the residents of Portland, who entertain for him high regard. Additional Comments: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. II, Page 705 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb