Multnomah County OR Archives Biographies.....Malarkey, James A. 1872 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley January 10, 2011, 9:39 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Page 608 - 611 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company JAMES A. MALARKEY. One of Portland's prominent manufacturers and successful business men is James A. Malarkey, whose interests are of a character and magnitude which have contributed greatly to the general business prosperity of Portland. Mr. Malarkey was born in New York city in 1872, and is a son of Charles and Catherine (O'Neil) Malarkey. In 1873 the father brought his family to Portland and here became active and prominent in commercial affairs, being one of the organizers of the Columbia River Paper Company, of which he was a director, and also became the owner of the Cleveland Oil and Paint Manufacturing Company. He acquired large property interests here and took a keen interest in local public affairs. He was a stanch republican in his political views and served one term as treasurer of Multnomah county. Both parents are now deceased, the mother dying in 1916 and the father in 1918. James A. Malarkey attended the public schools and then became connected with the Cleveland Oil and Paint Manufacturing Company, representing his father's interests as treasurer up to the time the business was sold to W. P. Fuller & Company. He then became manager of the sash and door department of the Central Door and Lumber Company, which position he held for several years. In 1918 Mr. Malarkey established the M and M Wood Working Company which has grown to be one of the most important industries of Portland. The original plant, now called plant number one, covers about four acres of ground on Sullivan's Gulch. This plant is used for the manufacture of house doors and is modern and up-to-date in its equipment. Mr. Malarkey also bought the National Tank and Pipe Company, at Kenton, which is an extensive concern, its plant covering about twenty-five acres, and which as plants numbers two and three is devoted to making garage doors and wooden tanks. The M and M Wood Working Company has become one of the largest enterprises in its line in the west, employing over four hundred and fifty men and producing over one million doors a year. Its products are sold not only throughout the United States, but in many other countries throughout the world. Mr. Malarkey has devoted his attention closely to these various enterprises, in the management of which he has shown marked executive and initiative ability and he well deserves the splendid measure of success which is crowning his intelligently directed efforts. In 1895 Mr. Malarkey was married to Miss Fannie Emma Holman, a daughter of Charles and Mary (Huntington) Holman, who were early Oregon pioneers, and to them have been born three sons and two daughters. Four survive, two sons, Huntington and Herbert, who attended the University of Oregon and Stanford University, respectively, and both of whom are now married and associated with their father in business, and two daughters, Mary who is a student of Smith College and Helen who is attending Catlin's School. The republican party received Mr. Malarkey's allegiance and he has shown a good citizen's loyalty to the best interests of his community, supporting every measure or movement for the promotion of the public welfare. He is a member of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Because of his business success and his sterling personal qualities he is accorded the highest measure of respect and esteem by his fellowmen. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb