Multnomah County OR Archives Biographies.....Neustadter, Edwin I. September 14, 1888 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley July 4, 2010, 12:10 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Pages 449 - 450 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company EDWIN I. NEUSTADTER is manager of one of Portland's old and substantial manufacturing concerns, that of Neustadter Brothers, which has long been regarded as one of the leading enterprises in its line on the coast. Neustadter Brothers first began business in San Francisco in 1852, the original partners being Louis and Henry Neustadter. They prospered from the beginning, the business growing in volume and importance, and in 1900 the company was incorporated in California and Oregon, with a capital stock of one million dollars. The Portland branch was founded in 1878 and has been one of the most successful and important parts of the business. The firm is engaged in the manufacture of shirts, overalls and work clothing, and is also a wholesaler in and mill agent for underwear, hosiery and men's furnishings. The Portland branch was started by Sigmund Feuchtwanger, a member of the firm, who was manager here for several years, and was succeeded by Ben Neustadter and Clarence Jacobson, who managed the business jointly for a number of years. Mr. Jacobson died in 1919 and Mr. Neustadter in 1924, the present manager being the latter's son, Edwin I. Neustadter. The present officers of the Portland company are W. W. Stettheimer, president, and N. H. Neustadter, vice president and treasurer. The annual payroll amounts to about three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, beside which about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars are paid out for local materials used in the factory. Edwin I. Neustadter was born in Portland, Oregon, on the 14th of September, 1888, and is a son of Ben and Rosetta (Langerman) Neustadter, who were born in Bavaria, Germany. The father, born in 1854, came to the United States about 1879, landing at San Francisco, and soon afterward arrived in Portland, where he became connected with the firm of Neustadter Brothers, with which he was associated to the time of his death, serving as manager during later years, until his retirement in 1919, and his death occurred in 1924. While on a visit to his native country he met and courted Rosetta Langerman, who came to the United States when eighteen years of age, and they were married in New York city. E. I. Neustadter received his educational training in the public schools of Portland and the Portland Academy and then entered the factory of Neustadter Brothers, in which he began at the very bottom and worked up through all departments, becoming thoroughly familiar with every detail of the business. In 1919 he was made manager, which position he is filling in a very capable and satisfactory manner. In 1916, in Portland, Mr. Neustadter was united in marriage to Miss Della Wolfe, a daughter of Adolphe Wolfe. She died in 1919, leaving a son, John Henry, who was born August 8, 1917. Mr. Neustadter is a member of the Tualatin Club, of which he is vice president, and is popular in the social circles in which he moves. He has proven an able and sagacious business man, closely devoted to the interests of the company which he represents, and stands high in the esteem of all who have come into contact with him. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb