Multnomah-Washington County OR Archives Biographies.....Staver, J. Fred 1883 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley May 12, 2007, 7:55 pm Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company J. FRED STAVER is a well known realtor, whose experience in this field of activity covers a period of eighteen years. A native of Freeport, Illinois, he was born in 1883 and when but a year old was brought to Oregon by his parents, S. W. and Lavina (Bear) Staver, who settled in Portland. His father was a dealer in farm implements, associated with a large business, which was conducted under the name of Staver & Walker. J. Fred Staver supplemented his public school education by a course in the University of Oregon, which awarded him the Bachelor of Science degree in 1904, and two years later he won the degree of Mining Engineer from the University of California. He spent two years in Mexico, managing a mine located a distance of one hundred miles from a railroad, and during the period learned much about the country, exploring a region rarely visited by any persons except natives of the land. For a year he was identified with mining operations in Colorado and in 1910 returned to Portland, retiring from the profession at that time. Mr. Staver then entered the real estate field, in which he has been notably successful, and opened up several subdivisions at Garden Home in Washington county, also completing development projects in other localities. In recent years he has specialized in the handling of business properties and cooperates with other realtors but is an independent operator, conducting the business under his own name. He has erected over fifty buildings for the Chevrolet Motor Company; the Jones Cash Store building; a building for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; the structure which houses the business of the automobile firm of Talbot & Casey; a warehouse for the Aluminum Company of America; two buildings for the firm of Chancellor & Lyons; the new home of the Fobes Supply Company; a building for the Miller-Calhoun Company; the structures occupied by the Pacific States Electric Company, the Endicott Paper Company and the Kelly Springfield Tire Company, International Harvester Company, as well as many smaller buildings and several garages. Mr. Staver leases the buildings and buys and sells property. Among the local firms for which he has executed commissions are the Kendall Heating Company, the Fleischman Yeast Company, the American News Company, the Owen Transfer Company, the Colombo Italian Paste Company, the Pacific Tool Steel, the Nisbet Battery Company, DeTemple Plumbing Company, Cork Floor Products Company, Holman Transfer Company, Shaw Supply Company, Fairbanks, Morse & Company, Northwest Steel Company, Clossett & Devers, Peerless Pacific Company, Jennings & Company, Wadhams & Company, Bedell & Company and many others. Mr. Staver is the owner of a valuable set of books, in which is given a complete record of every piece of business property in Portland. Much time and money have been expended by Mr. Staver in collecting the information contained in these volumes and his records are regarded as the best of the kind in the United States. In the management of business property he is unexcelled and his activities have also been extended into other channels, He is vice president and a director of the National Bond & Discount Company and likewise a member of the directorate of J. G. Megler & Company. In 1909 Mr. Staver married Miss Myra Lee MacFarlane, of Idaho Springs, Colorado, and they now have three sons: Frederick Lee, Harold Norton and Robert Berkeley. Mr. Staver was formerly first vice president of the Portland realty board and takes a keen interest in its affairs. He is a Rotarian and at one time was a director of the local club. Along lines of recreation he is affiliated with the Alderwood Golf & Country Club and the Wauna Lake and Meadow Lake Fishing Clubs. He is also a member of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, the Oregon Motor Association, and Kappa Sigma, a college fraternity. Mr. Staver is one of Portland’s most progressive and capable business men and belongs to that desirable class of citizens who constitute the strength and the motive power of every community in which they are found. Additional Comments: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Pages 276-277 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.8 Kb