Multnomah County OR Archives Biographies.....Williamson, E. L. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley November 6, 2009, 5:10 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Pages 164-167 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company E. L. WILLIAMSON has become one of the best known distributing dairymen in Portland and from a small beginning has, through his industry, perseverance and good management, gained a very flattering measure of success. He was born in Iowa and is a son of W. I. and Mary (Marshall) Williamson, the former of whom followed the vocation of farming. He was reared on the home farm and received his education in the public schools of his native state. In 1903 he came to Portland and worked for the Portland Dairy Association as a milk peddler, later entering the employ of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. After several years of railroad work he returned to the dairy business and entered upon a partnership with P. J. O'Donnell. Two years later he sold his interest in the business to his partner and returned to railroad work for one year. Again he resumed the milk business, being an employe of his former partner for several years, and then bought an interest in the business, the control of which he took over in 1920, and in 1923 became sole owner. The plant was first located at 73 Sixth street north, at which time practically no milk was bottled. He had one delivery wagon, which handled sweet milk only, delivering from ten to twenty gallons a day. Eight months later the business was moved to 327 Davis street, but the larger quarters there were outgrown inside of six months, and in 1909 Mr. Williamson came to his present location, where he excavated under a standing building and there installed his plant. In the spring of 1914 the present building was erected, affording about six thousand square feet of floor space, but this is now insufficient, to such an extent has the business grown. The City Dairy, under which name the business is run, now handles everything in the line of milk and milk products, as well as eggs, employs five men on the inside and operates seven trucks, which cover a large part of the city, selling at both wholesale and retail. The products are sold under the trade name of "Hygea," and the company daily disposes of two thousand gallons of milk and one hundred and forty gallons of sweet cream. Mr. Williamson has devoted his attention tirelessly to the building up of the business, in which he has shown a high type of executive ability. In 1909, in Portland, Mr. Williamson married Miss Harrie Hudson. He is a member of the Accepted Masonic fraternity, the Chamber of Commerce and the International Association of Milk Dealers. He is a man of integrity in every relation of life, is cordial and friendly in manner, and commands the sincere respect of all who have had dealings with him. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb