Multnomah County OR Archives News.....Wound Is Fatal September 2, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor April 9, 2008, 12:04 am Morning Oregonian September 2, 1904 Policeman Shot By Highwayman Street Car is Held Up Officer Makes Attempt To Arrest Robber Desperate Battle Ensues Conductor and Motorman Assist in Fight,but are Unable to Prevent Slightly Built Murderer From Killing Nelson While trying to capture Charles W.Walton, a highwayman who made an attempt to hold up a Twenty third street car near the Willamette Heights Bridge, at 10:25 o'clock last night,Police Officer Ole Nelson was shot twice by the bandit, and it was stated at a late hour this morning that there was no hope for his recovery.The assassin was captured. The shooting occurred on car No.114,in charge of Motorman G.A.Bingham and Conductor H.F.Johnson.Officer Nelson was riding on the front platform of the car with the motorman when the attempt at hold up occurred. Motorman Bingham is the same man who was held up on a Portland Height's car about three weeks ago and robbed of over $8.and he stated last night that he could swear the same man who shot Nelson was the same man who had committed the robbery of the Portland Height's car. The bandit is a boy 19 years of age and says that his home is in San Fransisco.He was rooming at The Ruby,corner of Third and Alder streets.He was fearfully beaten about the head by the motorman and conductor after shooting Officer Nelson,and closely guarded by Conductor Johnson while Motorman Bingham ran the car full speed to the Good Samaritan Hospital,where Nelson was immediately removed to the operating room and Walton confined until the arrival of Officers from the Police Station. Officer Nelson got on the car at Twenty Third and Thurman streets,to ride to the end of the line and return.When the end of the line was reached the Officer got on the front platform with Motorman Bingham,and the car started on the return trip to the city. Just after crossing the bridge over Willamette Gulch a young man was noticed on a crossing,and the motorman slowed down the car to take him aboard. As the car slowed down,Walton slipped a handkerchief up over his face,sprang up on the rear platofrm of the car and covered Conductor Johnson with his revolver.At the same moment Officer Nelson happened to look beneath the curtaina and back into the car.He saw that the conductor was being robbed and screaming to the motorman to shut off the power,he threw open the door and dashed into the car, with the motorman at his heels.The three men hurled themselves onto the bandit.Officer Nelson falling directly over him. In the scuffle they pushed the bandit to the rear platform of the car.Here all four men fell to the floor,and as they did so Walton shot. "I'm shot" cried Nelson."Don't let him get away." Motorman Bingham made an effort to get the revolver from Walton's grasp,and the four men fell off the car and on the ground,Officer Nelson retaining his hold on the robber in spite of his wound.As they struck the ground the bandit fired again,and Officer Nelson fell to one side with a groan.Then Conductor Johnson succeeded in getting the revolver from Walton,and with the weapon he beat the bandit into insensibility. Officer Nelson and Walton were put aboard the car and run to the Good Samaritan Hospital.On the was Officer Nelson did not lose consciousness,but continued to remark to the crew that he believed he was done for.They attempted to cheer him up,and when the hospital was reached they hurried him to the operating room and telephoned for Dr.George Wilson An examination showed that both shots had taken effect.One entered the stomach on the right side,struck a rib and glanced,inflicting no dangerous wound.The other entered the body near the left groin ,deflected upward,tearing the intestines, and found lodglement near the spine.As soon as the examination was over word was given out that the officer's injuries were serious and his condition critical.The chance for recovery,it is said,was very slight. The Police Station was immediately notified of the shooting and the patrol was sent to the Good Samaritan Hospital to take Walton to the station.The handkerchief he had used as a mask was still tied and hanging about his neck.His face,neck and hands were covered with blood and there was a gaping wound in the left temple,showing where he had been struck by the butt end of the officer's revolver in the hands of the conductor. Walton is a mere boy,19 years of age,and weighs perhaps 130 pounds,He was dressed in a dark suit of clothes and had on a dark overcoat,the collar of which he turned up when boarding the car.He had already obtained possession of the conductor's money when Officer Nelson looked back and saw him,but it was taken from him by the crew before he had a chance to dispose of it by throwing it away. The gun with which the shooting was done was a 32 caliber Colt's.of modern pattern.When searched at the station there was found on Walton an open knife,several handkerchiefs and some papers,but no money.He absolutely denied the crime at the station in the face of the testimony of the eye witnesses. "I just got on the car to go home," he said,"and they jumped on me and began to pound me.I never shot anyone." He made several different assertions concerning where he came from and where he was staying while in Portland,and officers are now investigating these statements. "I am sure this man is the same who held up the Portland Height's car three weeks ago" saif Motorman Bingham."At that time he was within two feet of me and I had a good chance to see his features.I am sure he is the same man.I recognize the hat he wore and I can almost swear to the gun" When asked concerning the shooting of Officer Nelson,Motorman Bingham said: "The officer grappled with the highway man,reaching for his gun as he did so.Before he could draw the gun the bandit fired the first shot.Nelson did not let go his hold on the robber,and he drew his gun after he was shot the first time,but was not able to use it,as all of us fell off the car at that time.Then the second shot came,and the officer fell to one side,Conductor Johnson getting the gun as he did so and beating the robber over the head with it.As soon as we could get the officer and th eman who did the shooting back on the car we ran her full speed for the Good Samaritan Hospital." Detective Vaughn was assigned to the case as it became known at police headquarters that Officer Nelson was shot.He went immediately to the scene and gathered the facts in the case,and he is continuinh his investigation today,looking up Walton's record. Officer Ole Nelson is between 38 and 40 years of age,he lives with his wife and two children at the corner of Sixteenth and MOrrison streets.He has been on the Portland Police Force for over five years,and has proved a most efficient officer,very popular with the other member's of the force.Brother officers notified his wife last night,immediately after the shooting, and she went at once to the Good Samaritan Hospital to be by her husbands side. General Beebe also went to the hospital immediately after learning of the shooting. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.6 Kb