Multnomah-Clackamas-Marion County OR Archives Obituaries.....Savage, Alta November 4, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor December 26, 2007, 8:46 pm Morning Oregonian November 5,1904 Took Poison By Mistake Young Schoolteacher At Independence Dies From Effect Independence,Or,Nov 4-(Special)-Miss Alta Savage died here this morning at 9 o'clock at the home of her aunt,Mrs.Dr.E.I.Ketchum,from the effects of a dose of carbolic acid taken by mistake.Miss Savage was 21 years of age and was a teacher in the public school here.She was the daughter of W.N.Savage,of Salem. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.0 Kb