Polk-Linn County OR Archives Obituaries.....BURRIGHT, Cornelius W April 22, 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/or/orfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Stewart research2xp@yahoo.com March 9, 2017, 7:11 pm Polk County Observer (Monmouth, Polk Co OR) May 6, 1910 "VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR - Cornelius Burright Killed By Accident Near Independence Cornelius W BURRIGHT, who was killed by accident on Horst Bros.' hop ranch while operating a grubbing machine last Friday, April 22, was sixty-eight years of age having been born in Ohio in 1842. He enlisted in the civil war in 1860, served three years and was then honorably discharged. He was married to Miss Sarah WILLMOTH in 1885 and is survived by her and thirteen children. Two daughters are married, Mrs. Clarence MARKS and Mrs. Bert McCALLISTER. Of the ten children at home, four are of an age that they will be of material assistance to their mother in the care of this family. The accident which took the life of Mr. BURRIGHT was doubly sad in the respect that the family which he leaves is large and in great need of parental care. Mr. BURRIGHT lived about an hour after the accident which cost his life. The little boy was driving the horse which was hitched to the sweep, when some part of the harness broke, releasing the sweep which was hurled back with great force, striking Mr. BURRIGHT in the side and inflicting mortal injuries. The BURRIGHT's came to this place some six years ago having removed here from Sodaville where they settled on coming to the coast from Nebraska in 1890. -- Independence Enterprise." *** [This is copied word for word since it is from an on-line image of a public newspaper, provided to the public by University of Oregon Libraries of Eugene, Oregon; and of a time period where the copyright would be out of date. I hope this is following the USGENWEB guidelines - lcs] Additional Comments: Cornelius W BURRIGHT was a Union Civil War Veteran 14th Iowa Co G, Infantry. He was the son of Orren and Eliza Jane (CAVET) BURRIGHT. He was also married to Jane Louise COBB and Alice Leone DAVIS. Sarah WILMOTH was his 3rd wife. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/or/polk/obits/b/burright4245gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/orfiles/ File size: 2.5 Kb