Umatilla County OR Archives Biographies.....Bentley, John M. March 9, 1842 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carlene Still September 24, 2006, 2:38 am Author: Colonel William Parsons Page 463 John M. Bentley The well-known real-estate and insurance broker of Pendleton, is a native of Missouri, being born in that state on March 9, 1842. He received his education in his native place and remained there until he grew to manhood. It was as early as 1861 that he took that noted trip, the experiences and scenes of which never can be erased from the memory, of crossing the plains with ox teams. He went through to the Pacific coast and engaged in stock raising in California. This was continued until 1871, when he first came to Umatilla county. The following year he came to Pendleton and commenced work at his trade, carpentering and contracting, for several years. Seeing a fine opportunity for stock raising, he embarked again in that enterprise, and was very successful, as he also was in farming, for he added that to his occupations. This business led him well over the county, and he became well acquainted with all the early settlers and the resources of the surrounding country. He gradually increased his holdings in real estate and also continued raising stock, and when an opening presented itself for a good venture in lumbering he at once accepted it and was well rewarded. In 1893 he lost ninety thousand dollars in a fire and also eighteen thousand dollars in security notes. In 1885 the people called him to the position of sheriff of Umatilla county, which office he held and faithfully and acceptably discharged its duties for two years. He then took up the real-estate business, being able in that place to better look after his varied holdings through the county. In 1892 he was appointed deputy United States marshal and continued in that capacity for four years. Since then he has continued his real-estate and insurance office. He has a large amount of real estate in the county and is a representative citizen who has the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. He is always active for the interests of the county and so is more or less in its politics, not as a partisan but as one watching for the welfare of its citizens. He affiliates with the leading fraternal orders, being a member of the F. & A. M. and also of the chapter, of the I. O. O. F. and also of the A. O. U. W. He was married on January 2, 1868, to Miss Mary F. Yocum, in the state of California. She was a native of Missouri, Ray county. They have five children, as follows: Hattie, wife of Mort A. Ferguson, of this county; John E.; Carrie, wife of J. L. Deering, yard master at Umatilla; N. Francis and Mabel. Additional Comments: An Illustrated History of Umatilla County by Colonel William Parsons and of Morrow County by W. S. Shiach with a brief outline of the early history of the State of Oregon. W. H. Lever, Publisher 1902. Notice: These biographies were transcribed for the Oregon Biographies Project. Unless otherwise stated, no further information is available on the individual featured in the biographies. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb