Umatilla County OR Archives Biographies.....Campbell, William R. 1850 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carlene Still October 9, 2006, 6:52 am Author: Colonel William Parsons Page 485, 486 William R. Campbell, M.D. William R. Campbell lives sixteen miles northwest from Pendleton on the middle fork of the Cold Springs canyon. He is the son of William and Anne (Hemphill) Campbell, natives of Scotland, and was born in Tyrone county, Ireland. He came to this country when two years old, with his mother. They stopped in New York for six months and then went on to Kentucky, where they staid for seven years. From there they went to Illinois, and remained until 1883. He received his literary education in the Blackburn University located in Carlinville, Illinois, and in the year 1877 he graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine. He located in Girard, Illinois, where he practiced for six years, but the west was in his mind, and pulling up stakes he came to see its treasures of wealth and scenery. His first experience was in this county and here he located, commencing his practice in Pendleton where he continued for three years. He wrote the ordinance adopted by the city council of Pendleton as the health regulations for that city. The land where he now lives he took up as a homestead when he first came to this county, also taking a timber culture claim. His thrift and enterprise have added to this until he now owns eight hundred and eighty acres, which is well cultivated and raises abundant harvests of wheat. The Doctor finds that farming is not so confining as the practice of medicine and much more to his taste, and so he follows it. He has a fine farm and is a thorough up-to-date business man. He is a Democrat. With the same care and interest that he uses in handling his farm he acts in public matters, both local affairs, politics and school matters. He has been school director or clerk of his district ever since its organization. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and is very active in all its affairs and well interested in its interests. He ran for coroner at the last election but was defeated; however, he ran far ahead of his ticket. On September 20, 1877, he was married to Miss Isabel Long, adopted daughter of Jason N. McElvaine, a prominent banker of Girard, Illinois. They have four children living and three deceased. Maggie A., Lucy V., Elizabeth and Willard R. enjoy the home with their parents, and those departed are Mary I., William R., and Jason M. Additional Comments: An Illustrated History of Umatilla County by Colonel William Parsons and of Morrow County by W. S. Shiach with a brief outline of the early history of the State of Oregon. W. H. Lever, Publisher 1902. Notice: These biographies were transcribed for the Oregon Biographies Project. Unless otherwise stated, no further information is available on the individual featured in the biographies. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb