Yamhill County OR Archives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for DEC 10, 1880 December 10, 1880 USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE: ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net September 19, 2005, 12:48 pm The Yamhill County Reporter December 10, 1880 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE YAMHILL COUNTY REPORTER", McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon for DECEMBER 10, 1880 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Married at the residence of Mrs. James Fletcher by Rev. E. Russ, Miss Emma B. Fletcher and Mr. Riley Smith, all of Yamhill County. __ NOTICE I will, after the 1st day of January 1880 run a hack to and from the train every morning for the conveyance of passengers to and from the train at St. Joe. Leave orders at my stable and you'll get to the train on time and in grand style. Jacob Grazier, Lafayette, Dec. 30, 1879. ---- O.H. Adams & Co. of this place have a full line of undertaker goods, from a plain coffin to a superb casket, including a variety of appropriate burial suits ready for use at once. --- WEBFOOT FLOURING MILL Repaired and put in the latest improved machinery, is prepared to grind wheat, buckwheat and feed at any and all times. Plenty of water power any day in the year. Bring along your grain and give us a trial. B.F. Clubine, Webfoot, Oregon. ---- FOR SALE One hundred head of Angora Goats for sale. For particulars inquire to J.W. Cowls., McMinnville, Oregon. --- WILLIAM SPEARS, HOUSE, SIGN and CARRIAGE PAINTER - - - Turner's Building next door to Hodson's Tin Shop, McMinnville, Oregon. --- For Sale - - for $200. cash; the best business lot in McMinnville for sale. Inquire to Josephine Landgraf. --- McMinnville Brewery - - We wish to inform people of this county that we are ready now to furnish them the best beer the market affords, in kegs and bottles, delivery to any place in this county free of charge. Rehfuss & Kolb ---- WAGON MAKING AND BLACKSMITHING at Dayton, Oregon - - - A. Mutchler, Proprietor. The undersigned would announce to the public that he is on hand for sale a lot of buggies, hacks and wagons, made of the best material whichhe will warrant as No. 1, and sell at reasonable prices. Special attention given to repairing and horse shoeing. A. Mutchler ---- C. SYMONS, Merchant Tailor, McMinnville, Oregon - - - A well established stock of cloths constantly on hand. All orders entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. ---- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/or/yamhill/newspapers/newspape4nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/orfiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb