Ship Lists: MORTONHOUSE, 1729: File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by J. N. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Ship Mortonhouse [List A] A list of Palatinate Passengers, Imported into Phila. in the Ship Mortonhouse, James Coultas, Commander, from Rotterdam. Aug. 17th 1729 Dirick Truer Ultiner Snebler Juliana Truer Hendrick Plim John Philip Ranck Hance Hendrick Ubera Anna Barbara Rank Alce Ubera Jn'o Miller Christopher Brown Marg't Miller John Furra Eliz'a Erynstein Jn'o Christ'n Croll Connard Werness Mary Cunningham Katharine Werness Hendrick Warner Casper Dorest Sarah Warner Dilman Colb Gerrard Miller Judith Colb Eliz'a Miller Michael Urelick Anna Maria Massin Anna Maria Urelick Andrew Mayes Mich'l Boarst Hance Mich'l Hyder John Haake Katherine Hyder Rudolph Moor Jacob Creeple Hance Jacob Roatslice Peter Weeger Uldery Roat Hendrick Sligloff Lucy Roat Anna Christian Sligloff Nich'o Peffel Analis Sligloff Barbara Peffel Hendrick Sootera Hendrick Doabs Hance Uldrick Fry Christopher Fry Martin Alstadt Medelin Reymene Anna Judith Alstadt Jacob Bowman Rudolph Walder Anna Bowman Hannah Barbary Walder Betsila Bowman Hendrick Killhaver Anna Bowman, Jun'r Simon Reel Apalone Sneeveler Eliz'a Seller Jn'o Casper Inkleree Jacob Seller, Jun'r, formerly in John Miller Pennsylvania Jacob Over Nicholas Carver Anna Marye Over Jacob Eshelman David Montandon Welder Keyser Jacob Reeif,formerly in Pa. Agnis Keyser Jn'o Dan'l Worley Abraham Kensinger Valentine Fickus Anna Barbara Kensinger Jn'o Adam Moor Frenee Kensinger Freenick Reeif, who is wife to Richard Halder Jacob Reif, inhabitant in Baltzar Roer Pennsylvania Katherine Ramerin John Rice Christopher Bumgarner Katherine Rice Ursley Bumgarner John Steven Regensberger Anna Marya Abezant Dirick Adam Weedle Johannes Orde Ulderick Croll Johanna Beagleson Adam Shambach Johannes Dirick Greesman Anna Dorothy Shamback Frederick Marsh Coonrod Killinor Christian Longinacre Johannes Binkler Dirick Greesman Moret Creetor Marya Greesman Jacob Reyser Corol Arant Mooselback Eliz'a Reyser Anna Barbary Longinacre Jacob Fetter Mary Eliz'a Mooselback Rich'd Fetter Anna Margarett Mooselback Anna Margarett Fetter Peter Moll Philip Jacob Back Eliz'a Shamback George Dan'l Back Johannes Middle Mich'l Wever Hendrick Sneeveler Phillis Wever (Sworn Before in Capt. Davis's Wendel Wyant Comp'y) Andrew Bastian Jacob Sellser (Sworn formerly) Adam Bastian 122 persons. Sworn Before the Governour in Council, 19th August 1729. Cleared from Deal in Great Britain. James Coultas R't Charles "At the Courthouse of Philadelphia, August 19th, 1729,...A list was presented of the Names of Seventy five Palatines, who with their families making in all about One Hundred & Eighty persons, were imported here in the Ship Mortonhouse, James Coultas, Mr., from Rotterdam, but last from Deal, as by Clearance thence dated 21st of June last." From Minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol.III, p.367. [List B] Palatines imported in the Ship Mortonhouse, Ja's Coultas, M'r from Rotterdam, but last from Deal p. Clearance thence, dated 21st June 1729 Subscribed this Declaration 19th August 1729. Carl Ernst Musselbach Jacob Crebil Georg Threhr [Dreher] Henrich Schlengeluf Johan Philip Ranck Henrich Gunter Hans Muller Hans Uldric (H) Vry Kunradt Worntz Christ (O) Vry Casper (X) Dorest Jacob (O) Bowman Dielman Kolb John Nicolas Prietschler Hans Michel Frolich Johannes Muller Michael Borst Jacob (O) Obere Johannes Hoock David Montandon Roedolp (X) Moor Peter Weger Hans Jacob (O) Roodlys Valentine (/) Ficus Uldric (X) Root Adam Orth Nicolass (O) Peffell Hanns Michel Heider Heinrich Dubs Johannes Reis Mr. (X) Meli [?] Johan Stephen Rumer Henrich Blim Gorg Adam Wedel Hans Ullrich Huber Ulrich (/) Croll Christ (B) Baown Adolph Schombach Christ (C) Kroll Conrad (O) Kilner Hendk. (H) Werner Johannes (/) Binkler Gerhard Muller Michael Weber Andres Mys Rudolff Walder Hendrick (O) Killhaver Christ (X) Bumgarner Simon Ruhl Johannes (O) Orde Nicolas (X) Carver Johan Georg Crossman Jacob Eschelmann Friederich Marsteller Velten Keiser Georg Crossman Abraham (A) Keynsinger Johann Peter Moll Reynard (O) Halder Christian (/) Longenacre Baltzar (O) Roer Johannes (H) Middle [List C] Carl Ernst Musselbach Christoph (O) Fry Georg Threhr Jacob (O) Bowman Johan Philip Ranck Johan Nicolas Prietschler Hans Muller Johannes Muller Konradt Worntz Jacob (O) Over Casper (X) Dorest David Montandon Dielman Kolb Peter Weger Hans Michel Frolich Valentyn (/) Vykus Michael Borst Adam Orth Johannes Hoock Hans MIchel Heider Rudolph (X) Moore Johannes Reis Hans Jac. (O) Roatshlie Johann Stephan Rumer Uldry (X) Roat Georg Adam Wedel* Nicolas (O) Peffell Uldrich (O) Kroll Heinrig Dubs Atolph Schombach Ultimer (X) Snebler Conraad (O) Kilmer Henrick Blim Johannes (/) Benkelker Hans Ulrich [Huber] Michel Weber Christop (B) Brown Hans Merten Alltstatt Jn'o Christ. (C) Croll Hend'k. (8) Kelhever Hendrick (H) Warner Simon Rohl Gerhard Miller Nicolaas (X) Kerver Andres Mos Jacob Eschelmann Jakob Crebil Velten Keiser Henrich Schlengeuff Abraham (A) Kinsinger Henrich Gunter Rheinhardt Attler Hans Ulrich (H) Fry Baltes (O) Oord Christ (X) Boomgardner Georg Crossman Johannes (O) Oord Johann Peter Moll Johan Georg Crossman Christ (O) Langen Ekker Friederich Marsteller Johannes (X) Middel Philadelphia, August 19, 1729. The foregoing qualifications were taken & subscribed by the several Palatines whose names are contained in this & preceeding Page. List A: The Captains list. List B: The signers of the Oath of Allegiance to England List C: The signers of the Oath of Abjuration Pa German Pioneers by Strassburger & Hinke