Ships Lists: Loyal Judith, 1740 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Thera (Schwenk) Hammond. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ From Strassburger & Hinke's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, 1934, by the Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, PA. (pp282-283) [List 78 A] A List of All the Mens Names and [ages] on board the Ship Loyal Judith, Capt. Lov[ell Paynter] [Qualified Nov. 25, 1740] Johan Henrich Leshire 31 Willm Harmany 32 Anthony Keller 30 Christian Princer 32 Willm Sower 50 Henrich Dielboen 16 Andreas Beck 30 Joan Willm Oster 36 Abraham Hass 27 Jacob Tevalt 44 Conrad Snyder 64 Johans Ralph Snyder, Sr 54 Andreas Ralph Snyder 16 Jurg Viant 29 Joseph Kickiler 24 Simon Vear 20 Liniherd Kercherd 43 Willm Ole 60 Willm Yoast Backer 30 Johannes Woolfe 23 Balster Hoofeman 36 Goodloop Hermon 36 Henrich Wackenor 48 Fredrick Backer 19 Nickolas Sell 42 Peter Shits 60 Justus Lintiman 49 Jacob Lintiman 18 Henrich Lintiman 16 Henrich Prim 40 Jacob Prim 18 Hanias Killiand 20 Willm Smith 56 Willm Smith 24 Hanias Smith 17 Feltie Crim 50 Jacob Crim 18 Ulrick Hart 37 Yerick Conrade 50 Jacob Conrade, Junr 16 Feltie Snyder 29 Adam Mouere 32 Jacob Cooke 31 Yerick Snyder 26 Conrade Vishang 30 Nickell Breeder 33 John Angell 39 Peter Becker 22 Willm Beets 38 Carl Crow 44 Johannes Vervell 33 Didrick Backer 43 Bernet Saye 26 Abraham Bulipacker 25 Michial Fie 24 Mathias Smith 28 Peter Croll 26 Conrade Smith 31 Johanes Adam 27 Hanas Wackner 20 Nicholas Shire 21 Jacob Shatle 24 Johanes Miller 20 France Jhost 22 Jasper Bonner 20 Andrias Smith 22 Hanies Diel 27 Philip Kauff 20 Michell Bush 24 Peter Diel 25 John Peter Moore 19 Hemon Hemon 26 Fredrick Laurance 26 Johanes Ley 19 Fredrick Willm Neagle 24 John Jurg Gudshell 21 Isaac Didrick 16 Peter Woolfe 25 Jacob Woolfe 20 Johanes Back 25 Yerick Eply 25 Yergeorall Meyre 23 Willm Eseck 25 Henicall Hoyse 31 Peter Hanse 40 John Yerk Eslin 48 Hanias Frenk 34 Conrade Douey 50 Philip Vishang 26 Henrich Hype 40 Peter Miller 25 John Yurg Seiden 37 John Candie 28 Peter Sell 19 Jacob Sell 17 95 [men] Sworn that the foregoing is a true List to the best of his knowledge, before the Honble the Governor, the 25th Nov. 1740. Lovell Paynter. (Contributor's Note: According to List B, of which I only have part, the Ship Loyal Judith imported 'Palatines from Rotterdam')