Ships Lists: Marlborough, 1741 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Thera (Schwenk) Hammond. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ From Strassburger & Hinke's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, 1934, by the Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, PA. (pp294-295) [List 82B] [Palatines imported in the Ship Marlborough, Thomas Bell, Master. Qualified Sept. 23, 1741.] From Rotterdam, but last from Cowes. Johan Ludwig German Johan Friderrich Freys Johann Wilhelm Welsch Johann Jacob B_ck Peter (X) K_hn Johann Jacob K_hn Johan Georg Wagner Ulrich Nafzer Johan Nicklas (X) Beyer Johan Michael (X) Welch Johann Jacob Heyel Johanes (X) Ladsher Friederick (F) Meyer Jacob Hill Simon Vogelgesang Johann Nickel _hl Friedrich Z÷llner Johan Daniel Kr÷ninger Michel Kreischer Jerg Jacob (G) Glug Michael (X) Seipert Peter Staudt Johann Jacob Nicolaus Lenhard (KL) Klein Berhnard Rapp Dangel Simon Johannes Doll Johannes (X) Meyer Jan Adam Kasel John Wilhelm (X) Engelman Philipp Kuntz Jacob Bernhart Peter (X) Deiss Abraham Hess Johannes (H) K…hl Johannes Worscheler Johannes (XX) Deiss Nicklas (NM) Martin Philipp Linn Joh. Hacob Kemper Joh. Peter Engel George (R) Ruth Johann Dielbohnn Nickel Heiss Peter Breiel Frederick Baltzar (FBR) Rothsmith Johannes Kuhn Johann Ludwig Hennrich Kohl Michael (MS) Shwenck Aschmes Keim Peter (BM) Bartholoma Johann Tobias R_hm Johan Nicklas (X) Burghart Melchior Stohlman Johannes Horn Johan Nicklas (H) Smith Henry (HB) Bernhart Johannes Niclaus Schumacher Caspar (CM) Modes Philipus Schneider antonius _hler Johann Adam Kamp Johann Ludwich Hanstein John Jacob (B) B÷sentz Jacob (G) Gartner Peter (PK) Keeffer Johann Jacob Dietz Daniel (DK) Keeffer Johan Calfrick (X) Eissen Michael (M) Neuman Johan (Metz) Carel Metz ----------END (NOTE for those unaccustomed to looking at these lists: all characters within parentheses are marks made in lieu of full signatures. Sometimes this was an 'X', other times it was initials or other parts of the man's name.)