Ships Lists: Phoenix, Sept 1749, Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sean & Michelle Hewitt USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ List [133C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Friday, the 15th Septr. 1749. Present: Joshua Maddox, Esquire The Foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Phoenix, John Mason, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this day take the usual Qualifications to the government. By the List 261. 550 whole Freights, from Zweybrech, Nassau, Wirtemberg, & Palatinate. Samuel (W) Votring Johan (X) Bender Georg Caspar Heuss Willhelm (+) Longhaar Hans Ullrich Ott Anthony (+) Nieve Caspar (X) Bruner Christian (+) Tathower Jurg Wanenmacher Christian Brost Johann Ludwig Strauss Simon (X) Roorig Andreas (O) Creiner Johanes (+) Roorig Jurg Wanenmacher Johanes (X) Greeber Joseph Kauffman Donius (X) Roorig Jörg Frantz Philippi Anthoni Biber Hans Goerg Weidenauer Jacob Bieber Hans Nickel Ott Hans Nickel Biber Hans Adam Baus Jacob (+) Jonger Henrich Luta Samuel (H) Spiger Hans Petter Roesser Hans Adam (+) Herman* Jerg Adolph Kröber Stephan (X) Alman Georg Härther Samuel (+) Perquy Jacob Anthoni Hannes Miller Nicklas (X) Roath Jacob Schmit Nicklas (R) Riksaker Jacob Widmer Hans Lenart (O) Hinkel Hans Sälli John Georg (X) Shneyder Hans Meier Andereas (X) Tevental Uhlerick (U) Kindlishberger Simon (X) Walter Johannes Weller J. Rudolph (+) Ginder Johannes Lamot Johann Jacob Mestenbach Johanes (+) Bouchy Johannes Gross Jacob (M) Miller Conrath Jost Christen Fischer Abraham (O) Nonnamacker Christian (+) Miller Jacob Schneider Peter (+) Miller Jacob Messerli Nicolaus (ND) Dartwiller Hans Jörg Cleis Daniel Dörtweiler Joseph Han Martin (X) Dartwiller Henrich Ginder Johanes (X) Keefer Michael (X) Traxel Michael Vüsel George (X) Traxel Petter Rott Bernard (X) Traxel Hans Strubhar Henry (+) Mitshit Christoph (O) Spanler John Jacob (X) Mitshit Jacob (X) Misseler Dewald (X) Steker Josep Mischler Peter (O) Gerrett Jacob Seiler Uhllerick (X) Stoller Christian Staufer Johann Michel Schmidteknecht Hans George (X) Springer Jorg Altman Michael (Dor) Dormeyer Anthon Altman Jacob Klein Hans Peter Eichede Abraham Drachsel Hans Philipus Birson Durst (O) Deretinger Salmon (X) Bacher Benedict (B) Leman Theobald Kuntz Martin (+) Ritter Hans Georg (O) Isseman Hans Bortz Ja. Nicklas (X) Isseman Hans Jacob Hörnlin Petder Eisenmann Antoni Stratzer Petder Eisenmann Davit (O) Miller Michel Köppel Jacob Has Johan Nickel Köppel Johan Georg Steinrock Jacob (K) Keppel Simon Digler Niclaus Schnyder Jacob Gratze Paulus Köppel Jacob Hueber Henrich Köppell Anton (+) Beavenan Petter Keppel François Hognon Petter Isch Johann Michael Steng Jacob Altman Peter Kaufman Wilhelm Altman Johannes Michal Heller Hans Johann Bonnewitz [?] Friederich Wohlfarth Hans Görg Jundt hans George (X) Keen Cristof Brunner Hann Filb Grünewalt Daniel (X) Duval Johannes Kiehn Johan (X) Dugrave Felix (+) Sailor Daniel (X) Darm Sebastian Bissahr Johann Michael Mallo Jörg Bentz John Friedk. (X) Hister Johann Ludwig Bentz Henrich Wilhelm Mählich Jacob (+) Bence Max Myrs [?] Christian (+) Hartman Samuel (X) Dormeyer Frantz (+) Marshall Jacob (X) Dormeyer Christian Schowalder J. Lutwig Johns Sumer Hans Jacob (X) Witmer Christian (+) Summer Henry (X) Shaaff Matheis Nafzger Moritz Klein Johanes Farner Jacob (X) Klein Rudolf Nafzger Frantz Jacob Kühl Christian (O) Kauffman Johannes Hort Jacob Kauffmann Andereas (X) Create Johannes Lans Anders Grett Peter (+) Crapy Johanes (X) Creat Jacob Stauch Jerg Müller Hans Jerg Stauch Philip (+) Miller Abraham Kurtz John Nicklas (+) Miller Beder von Gumeden Jeremias Schönbach Johannes Rupp Jacob Zollicker Jacob (X) Rupp Nicola Dilon Peter (+) Nafsker Adam (X) Grantadam Georg Christian Sim Joseph Chartier Christian Kurtz Humber Benoit Jan Hendrik Reckman Johan George (+) Acker Erhart (X) Bom Joseph Courteuer Thobalt Hoschar Beter Springer Hans Petter Hoscharr Hans Jerg Springer Henrich Hoschar Jacob Schneider Philip (X) Henkel Michael (X) Nike Johanes (O) Reber Jacob Nike Daniel (X) Rynolle Abraham Scherdrong Andre de Grange Mattheus Kersch Görg Hertzog Johann Georg Mölig Görg Hertzog, Junior Johann Reinhart Keller Kiliam Zimmerman Herman (++) Latur Peter Obersteg Jacob Latur Michael (O) Ridelsberg Marx (O) Springel Christian (H) Hochstätter Christian (X) Creeste Nicklaus Hochstätter Conrad Wohlfahrt Johannes Schrandeman Andres Rutsiele Ulrich Hostetter Jacob Laudermilch Simeon Steckel Ulerich Seltzer Hans Schrantz Johanes (H) Gross Ulrich Ritschart Daniel Groberger Ulrich Mischler Christoffel Reyer Conrad (W) Wagner Frantz (X) Soal Matheas (M) Seygor Fançois Grandadam Peter (E) Herb Felix Kley Lutwig Eerlman Hans (X) Reese Hans Nickel Meyer Michael (X) Shaffer Jost Meyer Henrich Lutter Jacob (X) Mann Philip (O) Lance Martin Obersteg Bastian Weiss Caspar Frettler Nicklas Bab Cunrath Altboter Johan Adam (W) Walter Frantz Griebel Jacob (X) Walter Johann Michael Walker Martin (X) Walter Johann Lutwig Gribeler Johan Matheas (X) Shoeman