Ships Lists: Rowand 29 Sept 1753 Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Robert T. Scheetz. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ____________________________________________________ Qualified September 29th 1753 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA The following lists have been published in Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 by Ralph B. Strassburger and William J Hinke (Norristown Pennsylvania German Society, 1934; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co. and Picton Press). [List 209 A] A List of the Names of the Men & Boys above sixteen Years of Age, Imported in the Ship of Snow, Called the Rowand, Arthur Tran, Master, from Rotterdam. Philadia Sept 29th 1753. Philip Smith Matthias Brand George Stark Jonas Man Christian Winebrenner Ludowick Lupe Daniel Flinter John Saring Peter Wile Bernard Piper John Steven Gleckner Martin Hellsinheiser Christian Krebb Philip Folks Matthias Krebb John Sailbach William Young Engle Strunck Peter Myer Jacob Hass Philip Schmid Francis Zeiler Philip Bosoner Conrad Becher Peter Baudenheimer Henry Miller John Kres Kribly Philip Seg John William Bamell Henry Baumer Peter Kelp John Sailbach Martin Bugner Philip Steinbach John Bugner George Bare Henry Bugner Peter Shoemaker Christian Mann George Hutt David Kisler Jacob Behler Christian Blichenderfer Matthias Lauer Jost Blichenstein Henry Lauer Jacob Lingenfeilder Francis Cromm Peter Ruch John William Bechker Jacob Haas Henry Wisthafer Peter Miller John Henry Kuneman John Miller Matthias Kuneman John Hendrick John Schaffer John Henry Greitz John William Schaffer Conrad Grau Matthias Schmidt John Christian Riebsomen John Henry Filger Mathias Hutzgen Matthias Shitz John Gerhard Hummell Martin Diehl John Henry Held John Henry Stranck Henry Held Henry Kempf John Engle Thomas John Kempf Adam Thomas Sterb John Kregilo John George Christian Mann George George Peter Lice John Friend John Matthias Rubsan George Kuertzer Paulus Cramm Philip Bool John Cramm Jno. Christian Kens Christian Stall Philip Speat Gerlock Stalb Henry Speat Jno. Bastian Schneider Peter Kolb Andreas Eker Christian Kolb Matthias Zimmerman Philip Schenman Manuel Zimmerman Jacob Schuster John Kreitz Bastian Haine John Henry Benix John Henry Schaffer John Peter Kramer John Schaffer Engle Brown John Bastian Weaver John Peter Brown John Keller 109 [Endorsed:] Foreigners imported in the Ship or Snow Rowand, Capt. Arthur Tran, from Rotterdam. Qual. 29th Septr 1753. 109. Mr Dan(1) Brenezet & Mic (1) Agee. [List 209 B] Foreigners imported in the Ship or Snow Rowand, Capt. Arthur Tran, from Rotterdam. Qual. 29th September, 1753. Philippus Schmiedt Johann Henrich Bohmer John Gorg Starck John (X) Stehlbach Johann Christ Weinbrener Johan Elias Steinbach Daniel Flender George (XX) Bare Johannes Petter Weyel Johann Peter Schumacher Johannes Steffan Klockner George (X) Hutt Christ Henrich Greb Davidt Giessler Johann Deis Greb Christian Blieckenstorffer Johannes Wilhelm Jung Jost Blickensterffer Johann Peter Meyer Jacob Lingenfelter Johanes Phil. [Schmit] Johann Peter Roch Johannes Filibes Sommer George (X) Hass Johann Petr Badenhamer Petter Muller Johan Kres (X) Kribly Johannes Muller Johann Wilhellem Bohmer Johann Hinrich Creutz Johann Petter Kolb Johan (+) Hendrick "Martin ( ) Bugner, on board" Johann Konrath Gra[u] Johann Martin Buchner Christian Rubsamen Johannes Buchner Johann Theis Husgen Johann Henrich Buchner Gerhard (X) Hummell Christian Mann J. Henry (X) Held Johann Deis Brandt Johann Henrich Helt Jonas Mann Johann Engel Thomas Ludwig Lupp* Johann Attam [Tho]mas Johannes Zehrung John (X) George Benhart Pfeiffer Johann Jorg Jorg Martin (+) Heillsinheiser Johannes Freund Johann Phillippus Foss Johan Georg Knortzer Johannes Selbach Phlip (X) Bool Johan Engell Strunck Johann Christ Bentz Johann Jacob Hass Johannes Philippus Spath Frantz Zeiller Johannrich Spath Conrad Becker Peter Kolb Jost Henrich Moller Christian Kolb Johann Philibus Seyn Philibus Schuman Jaocb (X) Schutz Johann Henrich Strunck Johann Bastian Heun Henry (H) Kempf Johan Henrich Schaffer Johannes Kregeloh Johannes Gerlach Schaffer "Christian ( ) Mann, on board" Bastian (W) Weaver Johan Peter Leis Johannes Keller Johann Theis Rubsamen Jacob (B) Bohler "Paul ( ) Cramm, on board" Theis Lauer Johannes Crum Henrich Lauer Johann Christ Stahl JohanFrantz Crum Johann Gerlach Stalp Wilhelm Becker Bastian (X) Schneider Henry (+) Wisthafer Andreas (X) Eker Johan Henrich Kuhneman Mathias (X) Zimmerman Johan Theis Kuhneman Hermannus Zimmerman Johannes Schaffer Johannes Creutz Johan Wilhellm Schaffer Henry (X) Benix Johann Theis Schmit Peter (X) Kramer Johann Henrich Felger Johann Engel Braun Matthias Schutz Johann Peter Braun Mardin Diel 109 *A Reformed minister. See Good, History of the Reformed Church in the U.S., 1725-1792, P. 646. [Endorsed:] Foreigners imported in the Ship or Snow Rowand, Capt. Arthur Tran, from Rotterdam. Qual. 29th Septr 1753. 109. Mr Dan(1) Brenezet & Michael Agee. [List 209 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Saturday, the 29 September, 1753. Present: Joshua Maddox, Esquire. The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship or Snow called the Rowand, Capt Arthur Tran, from Rotterdam but last from Cowes in England, did this Day take the usual Qualification. No. 109. Philippus Schmiedt Christ Henrich Greb Johan Goerg Starck Johann Deis Greb Johann Christ Weinbrenner Johannes Wilhelm Jung Daniel Flender Johan Peter Meyer Johannes Petter Weyel Johanes Fiel[ip]us Schmidt Johannes Steffan Klockener Johann Philibus Sommer Johann Peter Badenhaner Christian Rubsamen Johan Christian (X) Greebel Johann Theis Hisgen Johann Wilhellm Bohmer Johan Gerhart (+) Humbel Johann Petter Kolb Johan Henry (+) Held "Johann Martin ( ) Buchner, on" Johann Henrich Helt board Johan Engel Thomas Johannes Buchner Johan Attam [Tho]mas Johann Henrich Buchner Johanes (X) George Christian Mann Johann Jorg Jorg Johann Theis Brand Johannes Freund Jonas Mann Johan Georg Knortzer Ludwig Lupp Philips (+) Pool Johannes Zehrign Johann Christ. Bentz Bernhart Pfeiffer Johannes Philippus Spath Martin (+) Helfeysen Johan Henrich Spath Johann Phillippus Foss Peter Kolb Johannes Selbach Johann Christ Kolb Johan Engell Strunck Philipbus Schuman Johann Jacob Hass Jacob (X) Shutz Frantz Zeiller Johann Bastian Heun Conrad Becker Johann Henrich Schaffer Jost Henrich Moller Johannes Gerlach Schaffer Johann Phililip Seyn Sebastian (W) Weber Johann Henrich Bohmer Johannes Keller Johanes (X) Selbach Jacob (B) Boller Johann Elias Steinbach Theis (X) Lauer G. Peter (XX) Bear Henrich Lauer Johann Peter Schumacher Johann Frantz Crum George (+) Hooter Willem Becker Davidt Giessler Henry (+) Wastenhaber Christian Blickenstorffer Johan Henrich Kuhneman Jost Blickensterffer Johann Theis Kuhneman Jost Blickersterffer Johannes Schaffer Johan Jacob Lingenfelter Johan Wilhellm Schaffer Johann Peter Roch Johann Theis Schmit Jacob (+) Heterig Johann Henrich Filger Petter Miller Matthias Schutz Johannes Miller Mardin Diel Johann Hinrich Creutz Johann Henrich Strunck Johanes (+) Hindert Henry (H) Kampffer Johann Konrath Gra[u] Johannes Kregeloh "Christian ( ) Mann, on board" Andereas (XX) Ecker Johan Peter Leis Matheas (X) Zimmerman Johann Theis Rubsamen Hermannus Zimmermann Paulus (O) Crum Johannes Creutz Johannes Crumm Henry (X) Panix Johann Christ. Stahl Johan Peter (X) Krammer Johann Gerlach Stalp Johan Engle Braun Bastian (X) Shneyder Johann Peter Braun Septr 29th 1753. Sir According to directions we have carefully examin'd the State of Health of the Mariners and Passengers on board the Snow Rowan, Capt. Alterhand [!] from Roterdam and found nothing amongst them which we apprehend can be injurious to the Healths of the Inhabitants of the City. To his Honour Tho. Graeme The Governour. Th. Bond [Endorsed:] Doctors Report on the Ship Rowan, 29th Septr 1753.