Ship Lists: ALBANY, 1728: File contributed to USGenWeb Archives by J. N. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Ship Albany [list7A] Palatines imported in the ship Albany, Captain Oxman. Sworn 4th Sept. 1728 Mr. Strickem Kasper Keshit Mr. Chaplin Elexander Zaartman Daniel Bengal Jacob Weis Simon Shaller Johanes Schenefelt Philip Thoman Jerig Boog Philip Glaser Jerig Moots Hans Adam Mire, sick Jerick Gertner Larence Belits Andrew Ablen Henry Stelfelt Hans Miller Caspar Oot John Bloom Friederich Egelberger Hens Jerig Riger Conraat Teboy Martin Caleb Jacob Danbach Johan Carle Keil Jacob Beigel Jerig Frederick Bergenslott Hans Jerik Beigel Van Hokmel (in Germantown) Michel Keim The above is a true list of the masters of the Palatine Familys, imported in the ship Albany, from Rotterdam to Philadelphia. Given in on oath ye 4th day of September 1728 p. Laz's Oxman. Sworn before Chas Read. "At a Council in the courthouse in Philadelphia, Sept. 4th 1728....A list was prexented of the Names of Thirty Palatines, who with their Families making in all about One Hundred Persons, were imported here in the Ship Albany, Lazarus Oxman, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Portsmouth, as by Clearance from the Officers of the Customs there, bearing date the 22d of June 1728." From the Minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol. III,p.328 f. [List7B] Palatines imported in the Albany, Captain Lazarus Oxman, Master from Rotterdam, from last from [Portsmouth] as by clearance date....Subscribed the foregoing Declaration 4th Sept, 1728 George Friedrich v. Berbisdorff Gurg Wendel Biehel Friederich Christoph van Michel (O) Keim Stryskap Caspar Riedt Matthias Koplin Allexander Zartmann Johan Daniel Bengel Jacob (W) Weis Simon Schaller Johannes Schonefelldt Philip (D) Thoman Hans Gerg Buch Johann Philip Glaser Hans Gerg Motz Lorentz Belitz Georg Gerthner Henrich Stellfelt Andreas (A) Ablin Casper (O) Hoot Hans (H) Miller Friederich Eichelberger Jaen Bloemen Conrad Dupoy Hans Jerich (O) Riger Hans Jacob Donbach Martin (M) Calb Hans Jacob Biehel Johan Carl Keil Pa German Pioneers by Strassburger & Hinke