Ship Lists: SAMUEL, 1733: Passengers who took the oath of allegiance File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Faye Moran USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Samuel At the courthouse of Philadelphia, August 17th, 1733. Present: The Honourable the Lt Governor. With several of the Magistrates. Ninety Palatines, who with their Families, making in all Two hundred & ninety one Persons, were imported here in the Ship Samuel of London, Hugh Percy, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Deal, as by clearance thence, this day took and subscribed the Effect of the Government Oaths, & also the Declaration prescribed by the Order of Council of the 21st of September, 1717, & their Names are as follows: Hans Peter Frey Gilian Schmied Johan Leuistandwallnor Christian Lausel Hans Georg. Strohaver Hans Casper Eiseman Elias Tayler Malcher Wagner Abraham Koen Justus Simonius Wagner Fredrich Koen Hans Jacob Kummerling Johan Johan Zimmer Hans Adam Lang Jacob Rausher Michael Probst Christian Krops Johs. Michael Probst Henrich Bishof Hans Georg. Zoller Hans Jurg Ruck John Casper Korber Hans Georg. Ruck Johan Henrich Fisher Hans Jacob Ruck Andreas Wagener Peter Koentz Johan Koofman Hans Jacob Ridt Johan Henrich Adam Hans Leonard Lechner Johan Wilheim Fisher Hans Jurg Peck Casper Muhlhaus Andreas Frey Andreas Weltz Friedrich Lieby Hans Casper Brenner Friedrich Aldorfer Jacob Fegley Michael Smiet Johan Lorig Matthias Ley Johannes Shnap Hans Peter Bristell Lorentz Shnap Michael Sturtzebach Martin Wonner Hans Melchier Fries Henrich Peter Hans Wervell Peter Hansminger Hans Jurg Wervell Johan Conrad Kempf Martin Shibe Christian Kempf Hans Leonhart Wolf Gilbert Kempf Hans Casper Joost Henrich Rohd Solomon Miller Peter Cornelius Hans Wolf Eiseman Jacob Gerkehouser Hans Jacob Hoff Nicolas Kan Hans Jacob Matthis Hens Leonhart Emiger Johan Leonhart Weyss Mracus Klein Johan Jacob Crisinger Johan Peter Knoble Johan Philip Hetser Elias Hasele Henrich Aller Lorentz Syboot Peter Haller Hans Bernhard Trossell Johan Caspar Schafner Henry Meder Jacob Kraler Christian Danner Peter Drochsel Caspar Martin Ulrick Flichrer Hans Peter Mock Hans Adam Frickrott Valentine Snyder Henrich Fesseler