BIO: Dr. John B. ARNOLD, Latimore Township, Adams County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 _______________________________________________ Part III, History of Adams County, Page 467 DR. JOHN B. ARNOLD (deceased) was born at Flatbush, Conn., January 9, 1775. June 20, 1790, he married Rachel Weakly, in this county, whither he had come when a single man, and was at that time a graduate of medicine. He died February 28, 1822; his widow was born July 27, 1773, and died November 8, 1851. They had eight children: Maria, born July 1, 1800, married Dr. Smith, a prominent physician, who died at Springfield, Ohio; Jane, born September 18, 1801; Charlotte, born March 9, 1807; Louisa, born November 23, 1808; Rebecca R., born March 27, 1811; John J. T., born September 29, 1812, was a natural artist and fine portrait painter; Harriet, born October 21, 1815, and Emily, born February 25, 1820. Mrs. Harriet Gardner, mother of William H. Gardner, is the only one of this family now (1886) living.