BIO: S. L. JOHNS, Adams County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 _______________________________________________ Part III, History of Adams County, Pages 391-392 S. L. JOHNS, manufacturer and merchant, McSherrystown, was born November 25, 1859, in Conowago Township, near Hanover, son of Jeremiah Johns. Our subject received a common school education, but is chiefly self-educated. Quite early in life he became interested in cigar manufacturing, and at the age of eighteen engaged a man, John F. Keefer, as journeyman, and both went to work making cigars, Mr. Johns learning as he worked, not knowing anything about business when he commenced. He soon mastered the trade, however, and, from time to time, employed more workmen, increasing his trade every year and almost every day. Success is ever ready to reward the energetic, and our subject had the satisfaction of seeing his business grow from a small beginning to its present proportions. He commenced February 17, 1878, and to-day manufactures about 4,500,000 cigars annually, employing, in various departments, nearly 110 men, women and children, more than half of whom are employed in McSherrystown. He is also engaged in packing tobacco, having warehouses in Lancaster County, Penn., and is also buying tobacco in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, consuming and selling from 600 to 800 cases of leaf tobacco annually. He also exchanges tobacco for cigars, and last year handled nearly 6,000,000 cigars. June 5, 1886, Mr. Johns opened a grocery and confectionery store in McSherrystown, another marked improvement to the town. He was married December 26, 1882, to Miss Emma, daughter of Peter Strasbaugh, and by her he has one son - G. Milton Blaine - born March, 13, 1884. Politically our subject has been identified with the Republican party, and has ever taken an active interest in all the public affairs of the township; was one of the men instrumental in getting the turnpike from Hanover to McSherrystown, of which he has been director since its completion. He was also instrumental in having McSherrystown incorporated, and was elected its first burgess. When the McSherrystown Building Association was talked about he at once became an active advocate of it, and has served as director for five years. In 1883, being mindful of the welfare of the working people, he, himself, started the Sevies B Building Association, of which he is now president, and which is the means of building homes for his workmen, where even a young man, by making a small weekly payment, soon has a home. Thus we give a brief sketch of the active career of a self-made man, who has promoted the welfare of the town and people, and who is an example of what a young man of energy and good business principles can accomplish.