BIO: David R. MUSSELMAN, Hamiltonban Township, Adams County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 _______________________________________________ Part III, History of Adams County, Page 444 DAVID R. MUSSELMAN, merchant, Fairfield, is a son of David Musselman, a brother of Joseph under whose name will be found a history of the ancestors of the family. David Musselman was born on the homestead in Hamiltonban Township, this county, January 25, 1805. He stayed on the farm until his marriage, when he was thirty years of age, when he bought the farm now owned by Samuel Walter, where all his family were reared, and where he died October 8, 1872. He was highly esteemed by his fellow citizens, and was their representative in all the offices of the township. His wife was Esther, daughter of Joel Bair, of Lancaster County, born October 8, 1816, and died May 3, 1877. Their nine children are all living: Henry, who has been twice married (First to Lizzie Dunn, of Washington County Md., and afterward to his present wife, nee Louisa Shutt; they live in Hamiltonban Township, this county); John B., also twice married (first to Mary Kugler, and after her death to Margaret Schumaker; they also live in Hamiltonban Township); Joel B. (married to Nannie, daughter of J. Stuart Witherown, also in Hamiltonban Township); Mary E., wife of G. W. Baumgardner, of Carroll County, Md.); Aaron, (married to Annie E., daughter of Robert Watson, live in Fairfield, this county); Amanda A. (wife of Daniel B. Riley, of Hamiltonban Township); Martha S. (wife of John K. Marshall, of Fairfield, this county); H. Evanna (wife of W. T. Harbaugh, also of Fairfield, this county) and David R., the third son. Our subject was born on the homestead, near Fairfield, March 11, 1842, and lived on the farm until 1867, teaching school, four winters. In that year he bought the interest of C. F. Hinkle in the store of Wortz & Hinkle, and continued in mercantile business until 1883, since which time he has not been engaged in any occupation. December 21, 1871, he was married to his cousin, Jennie Musselman, born January 28, 1849, daughter of Jacob Musselman, who died June 25, 1884. They have one child, Clarence Jacob, born September 29, 1872. Mr. Musselman takes considerable interest in public affairs, and has held several township offices, being now a member and secretary of the school board. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church in Fairfield, in which he is a deacon. He has been secretary and librarian of the Union Sunday-school since April 27, 1868. In politics he is a Republican.