BIO: Raymond S. SEISS, M.D., Germany Township, Adams County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 _______________________________________________ Part III, History of Adams County, Page 432 RAYMOND S. SEISS, M. D., Littlestown, was born between Emmittsburg and Graceham, Md., June 7, 1825, a son of John and Eliza (Schuyler) Seiss, the former a native of Graceham, and the latter of Lancaster City, Penn. The Doctor was reared on a farm, and in the meantime attended the schools of the vicinity. At the age of twenty-two he began a two years’ course of classical studies under the Rev. Edward Ronthaller, and continued some months; afterward, under the instruction of his brother, Rev. Joseph A. Seiss, D.D., LL.D., now of Philadelphia. In August, 1848, he began reading medicine with Dr. William Zimmerman, of Creagerstown, Md., and afterward graduated at the University of Maryland in March, 1852. He began practice in Graceham, where he married, March 12, 1852, Angelica S. Gernand. In 1853 he moved to Union Mills, Carroll Co., Md., and March 23, 1855, settled at Littlestown, where he has practiced his profession, without intermission, ever since. After the battle of Gettysburg he dressed the wounds of and attended many of the Union soldiers, a large number of whom were brought to his office for surgical treatment. He was appointed, in 1863, and served as surgeon of the enrolling board for the Sixteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania until March 18, 1864, when he resigned. He was appointed a notary public, by Gov. Hartranft, April 21, 1874, and has retained the office ever since. The Doctor was one of the prime movers in incorporating the borough of Littlestown, when it received its charter, and has been elected burgess ten different times, and is the present incumbent. To the Doctor’s energetic administration is largely due most of the grading of the streets and other public improvements, as his maxim always was “for the benefit of all rather than a few.” He was the nominee of the Republican party, in 1872, for the Legislature, but was defeated by 262 votes, the regular Democratic majority in the county being 600. The Doctor is a member of the Adams County, the State and the National Medical Societies, and was president of the Adams County Medical Society for three terms. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. Dr. and Mrs. Seiss have had a family of six boys, four of whom are living: Milton H., Franklin H., M.D., Elmer W. and John A. The Doctor is actively engaged in practice, and also owns and operates a drug store; is very comfortably situated, financially; and enjoys the respect and confidence of all who know him, and of the entire community, in which he has lived for upward of thirty years.