News: Items from The Independent, 1894, Littlestown, Adams County, PA Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Miscellaneous Items From The Independent, Littlestown, Pa, Saturday, June 16, 1894 Master Ira Herman, a young lad, is suffering from a sore leg caused by a bruise. Messrs. Hiram Trimmer and Dill Gochanour expect to get a route and haul milk for the York Springs Creamery which is rapidly gaining customers. Miss Alice Linah, a little girl, is the owner of six young shepherd dogs on which she expects to speculate. McSherrystown Notes McSherrystown, June 15 – Harry Martin, of Littlestown, was in town Wednesday. G. W. Slade and John I. Lilly were at Littlestown Sunday. John H. Weik, of York, was in town Monday on business. Mr. S. L. John returned from a business trip, Saturday, from Wisconsin. The gentleman reports trade good. G. W. Slade, the McSherrystown merchant, made a business trip to Baltimore Tuesday. Dr. F. S. Jenkins, as usual, spent last Sunday with his uncle, Wm. E. Jenkins, of near Irishtown. Miss Hannah Reily, of Main street, is visiting her sister Lilly (religious) in Kenwood, N. Y. Miss Ida Diffendal left for her home in Frederick last Tuesday. She was accompanied by Miss Gertrude Lilly, of Main street, who will spend a few weeks at the above place. Jos. Klunk, cigar manufacturer, left for Philadelphia Monday on a business trip of one week. Roswell Erter, of Gettysburg, was in town Tuesday evening. Frank Ashbrook, of York, was in town Tuesday. The band festival, which was held last week, was certainly a success financially. The boys netted about $450.00, with which they will buy uniforms and instruments. The band is doing excellent and we wish the boys continued success. The Borough authorities are repairing the street crossing which is a long needed necessity. Mrs. Theresa Gebhart, of Main street, is quite ill. She is a very old lady and her recovery is doubtful. The commencement at St. Joseph’s Academy will take place Thursday, the 21st of June. Charles Miller, painter of South street, has the contract of painting a large church below Baltimore. Mr. Emanuel Bunty, of this place also has the carpenter work. The base ball team of this place crossed bats with the Westminster team last Saturday. Our boys came out victorious with the score 11 to 12. Both teams played remarkably well. They will cross bats Saturday with the Union Bridge team. We wish the boys success.