Allegheny County PA Archives- Obituaries: HENNESSEY, Bridget, 13 Mar 1896 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Martha Little, , Dec 2010 Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ from The Pittsburgh Press dated Saturday, March 14, 1896 (page 8): KILLED BY A TRAIN Bridget HENNESSEY, a domestic employed at the home of John C McCULLOCH, of 532 Turret street, East End, was killed about 11 o'clock last night by a train on the panhandle road, near the Point bridge, in the West End. The body is at the morgue. Miss HENNESSEY had left the East End yesterday to visit friends in the West End, where one of her cousins had died earlier in the morning. She remained there until about 10 o'clock last night and then started for the East End. Her mangled body was found by the watchman about 11:30. Her name and place of residence was learned from papers found at the morgue. She was 30 years old and had been living with Mr McCULLOCH for some time. The coroner's jury today returned a verdict of accidental death. from the City of Pittsburgh Death Records: Bridget HENNESSEY, aged 30 years, single, died March 14, 1896, instantly killed on PC&StL Railroad; born in Wales; burial in St Mary's Cemetery on March 15, 1896.