Allegheny County PA Archives- Obituaries: Kelly, Mary, Mar 1922 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Victoria Valentine, , Sep 2009 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ Taken from McDonald Pa Outlook 09 Mar 1922 Our little village was saddened by the untimely death of our beloved friend, Mary KELLY, who after a lingering illness of typhoid fever, passed away on Thursday morning, March 2nd, 1922. Mary was taken ill in the month of November with the fever. Her condition at first was not considered serious. She was always a healthy robust girl and little did we think that the disease would prove fatal. She as well as others looked forward to the day when she would again be able to participate in the joys in which young people take pleasure. About a month ago she was greatly improved and all hope was entertained for her recovery. But for some reason her condition did not remain so long and she grew steadily worse. On Monday, relatives and friends were summoned to her bedside. Mary realized that the end was drawing near but she was prepared to meet her God. She lingered with us until Thursday at ten minutes after nine in the morning the death angel silently took her from our midst. For four days we awaited the sad news of her death, but nevertheless it was a severe shock to the community. Marry suffered during her illness, but never complained. She bore it all bravely and never complained, and we must feel that she deserved the rest she has received. She sleeps that blessed sleep that knows no waking. Mary was well-known and by her kindly nature and never-changing disposition she won many friends. We shall miss her greatly but her constant smile and kindly words shall liven in the memories of all who knew her. She was constantly surrounded in her home by friends and it was indeed a pleasure for us to be with one so vivacious and so congenial. She loved life and enjoyed it to the fullest, but as all earth's beautiful flower buds bloom for a little while then fade away, so Mary lived for a little while then faded from our view. Mary leaves a host of friends to mourn her departure. We cannot truly realize that on of our number so young and altogether lovely has been called from our midst to the celestial realms to live with God. We grieve but He and His angels rejoice over Mary's entrance into the Holy City. Let us console our sorrowing hearts with the thoughts that her trials and troubles here have been ended and that she lives in that beautiful land were there is no sorrow, pain, nor death. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family in their great loss. Mary Catherine KELLY was born in McDonald January 14, 1903. She leaves her mother and two brothers, Constantine, at home, and Francis of Moundsville, W. Va. The funeral services were held in Noblestown, Pa. on Saturday morning, March 4, 1922, the Rev. Father COX officiating. Interment was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Our hearts are truly saddened Because Mary could not stay, And from love's shining circle A bright gem has dropped away, But she is where God's mansions are, And sits near God's white throne, _____ _____ her crown of life, And _____ __ her heavenly home. *Sturgeon column