Allegheny County PA Archives- Obituaries: McDonald, John N., May 1892 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Victoria Valentine, , Jan 2009 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ May 28, 1892 McDonald PA Outlook A very nice drawing of Mr. McDonald is included with the article. Hon. John N. MCDONALD will always be remembered by the people of the town that was named after him. He died May 23d, 1889, at the homestead where he was born, where he had always lived, and where his father had been born and lived and died. It is not our purpose here to write of him, but simply to place before our readers the strong, but kindly face that all remember so well. His life and character have often been described in the public prints and they are indelibly written in the hearts of ten thousand people. The Outlook of May __, 1889, contained the following: Thursday morning going to their accustomed places of business, people were shocked by the sad news that Hon. John N. MCDONALD had died at 6 a.m. He had been seriously ill for about two months, enduring with remarkable patience and resignation all his suffering and weakness. The grief of the people of McDonald at the death of this universally respected and kind hearted man of means, influence and ability and readiness to do good whenever an opportunity offered, will be deep and lasting. Many a family will remember his cheering and helpful visits to them when in need and distress, and will most sincerely mourn his departure. His place in society, in the church and among those who help forward the cause of humanity can not be filled, and more time is needed than is at present at the disposal of any of us to properly describe and record his many good traits of head and heart. John N. MCDONALD was born at the homestead where he died, Feb. 10th, 1820. Of his early life we can not now speak. It will be recalled as a model one by many of his early friends in this vicinity who survive him. He was married Oct. 29, 1862, to Miss Elizabeth Mary LEE, daughter of Major William LEE, of Cross Creek, this county. He served in the legislatures of 1853 and 1858 as a representative of Washington County. He was also a delegate to the Union State Convention in 1856, a representative delegate in the convention of 1868, a senatorial delegate in 1876, and again a representative delegate in the conventions of 1880 and 1884. For many years he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Washington and Jefferson College; and of his efficiency as a school director in this district, of the work he has done for the Presbyterian Church of this place, and his interest in the cause of education and religion generally, all are aware. It would require a volume to record all that he has done in these directions.