Land Records: George Nixon, 1796: Hopewell Twp, Bedford Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Gracie Stover. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ Nixon to Woods Bedford County Courthouse Deed book D pg 583 1796 TO ALL PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come the Commisioners of the county of Bedford in the Commonwealth of PA send Greeting, whereas a certain tract of land being in the township of Hopewell and in the county aforesaid said to be the property now or late of George Nixon or as such returned to the board of Commisioners for said county was duly rated charged and assayed? with the of taxes by virtue of sundry acts of assembly for levying and raising the following taxes that is to say for the taxes due and unpaid upon the same for the year 1789 amounting to eight shillings state tax and four shillings county tax also thirteen shillings and eight pence cost and charges accrued upon the same by reasons of the now payment of the taxes aforesaid as in and by the Records of the said Commisioners Reference thereunto being had will more fully and at large appears and whereas no person appeared to pay the taxes aforesaid assayed and charged upon the said land within the time limited by land the said commissioners agreeable to the directions contained in the acts of Assembly for Raising the said taxes did on or about the eithteenth day of August last give public notice in some of the English and German newspapers and further did set up hand bills advertising the tract aforesaid to pay the aforesaid taxes due thereon and whereas the time allowed by law for the owner or owners aforesaid to make payment of the taxes aforesaid having fully ____ and they having refused or neglected to pay and Discharge the said taxes as by law they were required the said commisioners did on the fifth day of August instant by public venders expose to sale the said tract of ground situate on the waters of yellow Creek in the township and County aforesaid bounded and described as follows to wit, Beginning at a black oak South nineteen degrees East one hundred and forty four perches to a white oak thence by land in the name of George Nixon north eighty nine degrees East three hundred perches to a white oak-thence by Robert McPhersons lands north twelve degrees West one hundred and Eighteen perches to a white oak, thence by Edward Elliott's land north eighty seven degrees West three hundred and nineteen perches to the place of Beginning containing two hundred and twenty eight acres and the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, Surveyed on an order of survey granted to George Nixon, dated May the first 1767 No 3563. Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds lawful money of the commonwealth aforesaid part to the said commisioners by George Woods, Esq of the town of Bedford the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he being the best and highest bidder the said commisioners have sold granted released aligned confirmed and delivered and by these presents do sell grant release align confirm and deliver unto the said George Woods and his heirs and assigns all that the aforesaid tract to the said George Woods, sold at public vindue aforesaid situated bounded and being as the same is herein before described to go there with all and singular inprovements ways waters water courses rights liberties priveliges and Hereditainments whatsoever ______ belonging to have and to hold the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said George Woods his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behold of the said George and his heirs and assigns forever, free from all the Estate, Right and ___ of the aforesaid delinquent or of any person or persons claiming under him, and witness whereof Anthony Nuigle and Matthew Taylor two of the present commonisioners for the county aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and caused the Common Seal of the commisioners to be affixed dated the fifteenth day of August in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty one. Sealed and Delivered in Anthony Nawgels The Presence of us Matthew Taylor Hugh Barclay, George Woods Jr. Commisioners Bedford Co, PA before me one of the Justices of the peace in and for the county of Bedford aforesaid personally came the Commisioners within named and acknowledged the within Deed Poll to be their act and Deeds for the purpose therein mentioned Witness my hand and Seal, the seventh day of July 1796 Recorded and compared with the original the 9th day of July A. D. 1791 John Anderson, Recorder