REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - GEORGE WERTZ (1835); BEDFORD CO., PA Contributed by: Jeff Rinscheid ( ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** George Wertz (Sr.) Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit National Archives R 11329 State of Pennsylvania ) ) SS Bedford County ) On this 30th day of January A.D. 1835, personally appeared in open court, before The Hon. Alexander Thomson President and his associates Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said County now sitting George Wertz a resident of Napier Township in the County of Bedford and State of Pennsylvania, aged eighty-two years, who first being duly sworn doth on his oath, make the following declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States and served as herein stated, to wit: In the year 1778 when the Indians were harassing the frontier settlements and particularly the people of Bedford County, applicant with a number of other men volunteered his services for the defence of his fellow citizens. That his services commenced in the early part of the above mentioned year, and continued until fall including a period of four months. That the duties of the volunteers were guarding the Fort at Bedford to which the families of the settlers came for safety during the summer season, scouting through the County and spying after the Indians, and marching to any place threatened with danger, at any time for all occasions. That during the years seventy nine, eighty, & eighty one, he was engaged in similar duties, and twice he went to guard pack horses (carrying military stores to Pittsburg) as far as Ligonier beyond the Allegheny. That during said services he often assisted to bury those killed by the Indians, on one occasion going upwards of twenty five miles to perform that duty. Applicant states the he was there engaged for four months in each year during the years mentioned, and that he was during said time under the command of Captain Samuel Davidson - that he was born in Germany on the 4th day of June 1752 and was about nine year of age when he came to America, & that he has in his possession a record of his age. That he was about twenty four or five years of age when he entered the service in Bedford County which was he believes by volunteering, he may have been enrolled in the militia but from his advancing age cannot certainly remember - He never had a discharge. Applicant further states that he omitted to say in the commencement of his declaration that in the year 1776 he lived in the State of Maryland, and volunteered to go with Captain Cressup of Oldtown, who had been solicited by the inhabitants of the western part of Pennsylvania to come to their assistance against the Indians. That they marched from Oldtown to Brownsville Penna and from thence up the river to Muddy Creek where they found the trail of the Indians. That from there they pursued as far as the Ohio River about twenty four miles below Wheeling - they there cross the river & marched on into the Country until they passed the Moravian Towns, where they came upon the Indian towns; three of which they burned, viz, Snake town, Loganstown, and Wappatomika and destroyed about three hundred & fifty acres of corn. The towns were situated on the Muskingum River. After burning the towns ___ they returned home having been engaged in said expedition about six months at least - the time was longer. He does not know of any one living who can testify as to this portion of his services. That he lived in Bedford County when he engaged in service in 1778, and has lived in said County ever since. That there is not any clergyman whose testimony he can procure. That Daniel LYBERGER & William CLARK can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his services. And that Thomas VICKROY, Esq, Wm. FRASIER, and George BOWSER can testify as to his services. The he hereby relinquishes any claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State. Sworn & subscribed George WERTZ (his mark) The day & year aforesaid. Job MANN, Pothy Pennsylvania Bedford County We Daniel LYBERGER and William CLARK residing in Bedford County hereby certify that we are well acquainted with George WERTZ who has sworn & subscribed the foregoing declaration. That we believe him to be eighty two years of age. That he is reputed & believed in the neighborhood where he reside to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn & subscribed the Will CLARK day & year aforesaid Daniel LYBARGER Job MANN, Prthy And the said Court do hereby declare their opinions after the investigation of the matter, and after putting? The Interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier, and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that William CLARK 7 Daniel LYBERGER who signed the preceding Certificate are resident in the Borough and County of Bedford and are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit. I, Job MANN, Clerk or Prothonotary of the Court of Common Please in and for the County of Bedford , Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court on the matter of the Application of George WERTZ for a Pension. And I do further certify that Jacob FLETCHER, William MCDONNALD & Duncan MCVICKER, Esquires, before whom the attached Depositions were at the times of taking the same Justices of the Peace or Magistrates in & for said County, duly commissioned & qualified by legal authority and acting as such, and that the signatures Jacob FLETCHER, Duncan MCVICKER, and Wm MCDONNALD thereto subscribed are genuine. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto put my hand & and seal of Office at Bedford this 5th day of February Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty five. Job MANN, Prthy Bedford County State of Pennsylvania Personally appeared before Duncan McVICKER, one of the justices of the peace for the County of Bedford, William FRAZER of Napier Township in the said County who being sworn in according to law deposeth and saith that he has been personally acquainted with George WERTZ of said County between fifty and sixty years past and that in the year 1778-1779-1780 & 1781 that the indians were very troublesome to the then settlers of Bedford and deposeth further States that he knew the said George WIRTZ to be an active volunteer in many excursions against said indians and since the said George WERTZ to be in actual Service? about four months in each year for four years under the Command of Captain DAVIDSON. Sworn and subscribed the7th day of January, A.D. 1835 Before me William FRAZER Duncan MCVICKER I do certify that the above named George BOWSER's deposition is worthy of full credit. Wm. MCDONALD State of Pennsylvania Bedford County Personally appeared before me this subscriber and the justices of the peace in and for said County George BOWSER of St. Clair Township in the County aforesaid who being duly sworn saith that he has and is personally acquainted with George WERTZ of said County for the last fifty or sixty years and he knew the said George WERTZ to be frequently in service against the Indians under Captain DAVIDSON and for the ____ no sworn and subscribed the 22nd day of Jany, A.D. 1835 Before me George B. BOWSER (his mark) Wm. MCDONALD I do certify that the above named George BOWSER's deposition is worthy of full credit. Wm. MCDONALD State of Pennsylvania Bedford County Personally appeared before me the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace in the said County Thomas VICKROY aged seventy eight years who being duly sworn saith that he is well acquainted with George WERTZ the foregoing named applicant, and that he has known him since the year 1776. That during the years 1777-78-&79 when the Indians were troublesome to the Inhabitants of Bedford County, this deponent(?) was frequently engaged with said applicant in standing guard and other military duty that they were classed & enrolled together in the Militia of said County & mustered for the common defense. And that said deponent was twice he believes detached with said applicant to guard pack horses to Ligonier beyond the Alleghenies on their way to Fort Pitt said horses carrying military stores. Sworn & subscribed Thomas VICKROY This 28th day of Jan 1835 Before me Jacob FLETCHER I do certify that Thomas VICKROY the above named ____ is a man of good character & respectability & that his statement is entitled to the fullest credit. Jacob FLETCHER ------------------------------------ War Dept Pension Office Feb 23, 1835 The declaration of George WERTZ has been examined. He alleges that in consequence of the Indians becoming troublesome on the frontiers of Pennsylvania in 1777, the inhabitants were obliged to leave their houses and return to the forts for protection, and in that and the subsequent year he served in the garrisons in each year or town of three months. He also alleges that in 1779 he was enrolled in a company of militia men, and served the time of two months, and in 1780 a time of three months and a time of eight days in 1781. His witnesses certify to his having been enrolled in a company of militia men in 1779 and to his service in that & the two subsequent years. His service in 1777 & 1778 was not in a regularly organized corps, nor was he called upon in those years to perform any specific service. The act of June 1832 provides for men who did not serve at least six months as a regularly organized corps & called out by competent authority. The claim has, therefore, been rejected, and the papers filed in this office. The declaration of William FRAZER has also been ex & filed with suspended cases. It is doubtful whether he is entitled to a pension. He resided ion the frontier the inhabitants of which associated themselves for their ___ defense and were liable to be called out to a the exigencies of the times might require to protect themselves from the incursions of the Indians. Such associations were proper, but service under such circumstances form no claim for military service. Unless therefor it can be shown that they were called out to perform tours of duty as required by the ____ regulation by the properly constituted authorities and in a regularly organized corps, the applicants claim to a pension cannot be allowed. George WERTZ papers have also been examined & filed with suspended cases. The same objection exists in his case as in that of Wm. FRAZER, excepting his first tour under Cap Cresap. A more particular statement respecting said town? is required. It should be shown in what part of Maryland he resided when he entered Capt Cresap Co of the length of time for which he agreed to serve, and the period at which his service commenced. Job MANN, Esq [He did not write the above document - but signed at the bottom of Bedford, Pa the end, perhaps as a "receipt"]