OBIT: Tobias and Stanley CLAYCOMB, 1901, Weyant, Bedford County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Terry Griffith February 13, 2008, 6:47 pm Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ Father and Son Dead Tobias Claycomb and his son Stanley, of Weyant, died Saturday morning, of typhoid fever, the latter preceding the former to the spirit world by a few hours. On Sunday both bodies were taken to Osterburg and buried with one ceremony, Rev. E. E. Parson, pastor of the Lutheran church, conducting the service. The father was fifty-six years old, the son fifteen. A daughter died, of the fever, two weeks ago and other members of the family are critically ill with the dread disease. Mr. Claycomb was a most excellent man and will be missed by the community in which he lived. Bedford Gazette/Bedford, Pennsylvania/25 Jan 1901 [Additional Comments: Tobias was a son of Conrad and Hannah (Garn) Claycomb and was married to Mandilla Croyle.] This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb