OBIT: Chauncey B. CRISMAN, 1936, native of Bedford County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Terry Griffith August 3, 2007, 7:55 pm Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ C.B. CRISMAN DIES AT HOME IN CITY Chauncey B. Crisman, widely known resident of this city, died at his home, 2042 Broad Avenue, at 11:10 o'clock Saturday night. Death followed an extended illness, which had its inception one year ago. He was a native of Bedford county and was born Sept. 20, 1860, the son of Daniel W. and Hannah (Ake) Crisman. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anna M. (Wilhelm) Crisman, two children, Robert B. Crisman of Elmira, N. Y. and Mrs. Frank West McFarland of Hollidaysburg. Other survivors include one grandchild, four brothers and three sisters, George B. Crisman and Mrs. J. H. Beckley, both of Brookline, Pa.; John A. Crisman of Pittsburgh; Sewell W. of Norristown; Mrs. Oscar Barefoot of Alum Bank; Mrs. Charles Hawthorne of Conneautville, and Ira A. Crisman of Collingdale. He was secretary-treasurer of the Citizens' Ice company and with others founded the business in 1900. He served as secretary of the Provident Building and Loan association for many years and for the past five years was president of the association. He was an ardent hunter and fisherman. He also was a past commander of Logan lodge, Knights of Pythias, and was a member of the Elks. The body may be viewed at the Tobias & Laughlin funeral home, where services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Private interment will be made in Fairview cemetery. Altoona Mirror, 27 July 1936 This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb