OBIT: Fred. M. HARTSAUC, 1916, Rainsburg, Bedford County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by JRB Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ RAINSBURG CITIZEN PUTS END TO LIFE F. M. Hartsauc, Victim of Stomach Trouble, Uses Rope for Deed. Special to the Tribune. Bedford, Dec. 17. - Fred M. Hartsauc, aged 64, a highly respected citizen, ended his life by hanging himself at his home in Rainsburg early this morning. He had been suffering from stomach trouble and recently remarked to a neighbor that it was wearing on his nerves. This morning he arose early and told his wife to wait until he kindled the fire. He descended to the kitchen and after a considerable time, she followed him. Finding the stove cold, she searched the premises. Mr. Hartsauc was found, hanging to an inner door of the workhouse. Seizing an ax, Mrs. Hartsauc cut the rope, hoping to revive him. Her screams brought several neighbors and Dr. H. C. Lessig was summoned. But life had fled. Deceased was twice married, his first wife having been a Miss Barkley. Surviving are his second wife, who was Miss Adda Cessna, and one daughter, Mrs. Alton Shearer, of Akron, Ohio. He was a prominent citizen, a member of the school board and borough council, a member of the Lutheran church and a staunch Democrat. Funeral will likely be on Wednesday. Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday Morning, December 18, 1916 1900 Rainsburg, Bedford County census - Fred. M. Hartsauc, 47 Ada B. Hartsauc, 39 Cora ? Mauk, 22 Robert H. Mauk, 1