Other Court: Petition for Guardian for minor children of Sarah Dehaven, deceased, 1849: Robeson Township, Berks Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by DeHaven List. DEHAVEN-L@rootsweb.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ Petition ent’d Vol 16 page 267 Robert Gilmore for a Guardian for his daughters children Sarah Dehaven dec’d August 15th 1849 Present Judges Stauffer & High The Court appoint David Buck Guardian for all the within named minors ----- To the Honourable David F. Gordon Esq. and his associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Berks County, now composing and holding an Orphan’s Court in and for said County, The petition of Robert Gilmore the father of Sarah Dehaven late of Robeson Township in said County widow deceased, Humbly Sheweth: That your petitioners said daughter, left Seven Children, to wit: Margaret, Sarah A??? [looks like maybe Allen], Robert, Edward, Mary, Barbara, and Hannah Dehaven all of whom, are Minors under the age of fourteen years, and have no Guardian to take care of their Persons and estates. Your petitioner therefore, humbly pray your honour to appoint some proper person or persons as Guardian of the said children, And he will pray &c Robert Gilmer sent ----- Know all Men by these Presents, That We, Evan Evans, Lot Evans and Lewis Woodward all of Robeson Township Berks County are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the sum of Four hundred money of Pennsylvania, to be paid to the said Commonwealth.--To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the whole, firmly by these Presents.--Sealed with our Seals, dated the 31st day of July Anno Domini, 1849 The Condition of the above Obligation is Such, That if the above abounden Evan Evans Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Sarah Dehaven deceased, do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, which have come or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of him the said Evan Evans or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons, for him and the same so made, do exhibit or cause to be exhibited, into the Register’s Office, in the County of Berks, within thirty days from the date thereof, and the same, goods, chattels and credits, and all other the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, at the time of her death, which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Evan Evans or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him do well and truly administer according to law, and further do make or cause to be made, a just and true account of his said administration, within one year from the date hereof, or when thereunto legally required, and all the rest and residue of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said administration account, the same being first examined and allowed by the Orphans’ Court of the county having jurisdiction, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons as the said Orphans’ Court, by their decree or sentence, pursuant to law, shall limit and appoint, and shall well and truly comply with the laws of this Commonwealth relating to Collateral Inheritances, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased, and the same shall be proved according to law, if the said Evan Evans being thereto required, do surrender the said Letters of Administration into the Register’s Office aforesaid, then this Obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force. Sealed and Delivered IN THE PRESENCE OF Isaac Eby [or Ely?] Evan Evans Lott Evans Lewis Woodward ----- A true and perfect inventory, and just appraisement, of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Sarah Dehaven late of Robeson Township Berks County and state of Pennsylvania, widow, deceased, at the time of her death, to wit: 1 pair bedsteads bed and bedding.....10.00 1 pair ditto ditto .....10.00 2 pair ditto ditto .....8.00 1 bench & box 50 trunk 50 .....1.00 3 looking glasses $1.50 1 dining table & cover $2.00 .....3.50 1 corner cubboard $4.00 1/2 doz. chairs $3.00 .....7.00 9 chairs $3.50 1 kitchen dresser $2.00 .....5.50 1 table $1.00 1 do trough $0.50 .....1.50 queens [or greens?] ware $1.00 tin and earthenware $2.00 .....3.00 1 box & 4 bags $1. lot iron ware $1 .....2.00 2 tubs & wash machine $1.00 1 cook stove & fixture $10 .....11.00 1 spade ax &c $1.25 1 churn $1 .....2.25 lot of carpenting $6.00 .....6.00 1 milch cow $16.00 1 hog $4.00 .....20.00 George Gilmer note dated 1st April 1846 $50.00 4 mo. interest ending 1st day of August 1849 1.00 .....51.00 Cash in hand .....39.13 1 silver watch .....5.00 lot potatoes in the ground $1.00 garden truck $1.00 lot stone coal $2 .....4.00 [total] $189.88 Taken and appraised by us the subscribers the 31st day of July AD 1849 Affirmed & subscribed Lott Evans before me Lewis Woodward July 31, 1849, Isaac Eby [or Ely] D Reg.