BIOS: INDEX to Twentieth Century History of Altoona and Blair County, Pennsylvania, and Representative Citizens, Jesse C. Sell, Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold, 1911. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by the Blair County Genealogical Society, 431 Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Indexed by Judy Banja Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ SUBJECT OF BIOGRAPHY: FILE: Acker, Charles O. A to BLO Acker, Martin L. Akers, Jacob Acklin, Frank W. Ake, Joseph S. Alexander, Milton Alexander, Robert Allen, D. E. Allender, Harry R. Amies, Edwin M. Amies, Oswald A. Anderson, John Grant Applebaugh, Charles E. Bachert, Augustus Ellsworth Baish, Henry Houston Baker, Charles A. Baker, Daniel S. Baldridge, Thomas J. Bankert, Robert F Bare, D. M. Beam, J. B. Beaston, Richard Beck, W. Frank Beckman, A. W. Beegle, John A. Bell, Edward Bell, John Pierce Bell, Martin Bell, William S. Bender, J. A. Beyer, A. Wesley Biddle, Andrew C. Biddle, John A. Black, Jeremiah W. Black, John H. Black, Samuel Calvin Blair, Samuel S. Blose, Joseph U. Bobb, E. G. BO to BU Bock, George J. Bohn, Daniel Bolger, Levi Bonebreak, John S. Book, L. L. Books, Benjamin F. Books, Clarence Hamilton Bottenfield, Samuel S. Bouslough, Harry F. Bouslough, William W. Bowles, James B. Bowser, Harry E. Boyce, Jacob A. Boyer, Calvin A. Boyles, William Norris Bradley, William J. Brotherline, H. Hale Brotherline, John Brown, Albert M. Brown, Clyde E. Brown, Harry S. Brown, John I. Brown, J. T. Brua, Blair A. Brua, Elliott H. Brua, Elmer L. Brua, John Brua, Lynn A. Brubaker, John Lambert Brubaker, Elinas M. Brubaker, Jacob Brumbaugh, David H. C. Brumbaugh, H. Atlee Brumbaugh, Henry D. Brumbaugh, Ira E. Brumbaugh, John H. Brumbaugh, John H. (Rev.) Brumbaugh, Levi H. Buck, Trevan Burget, D. S. Burget, Levi B. Burket, Abram Burket, George Washington Burns, Ira Rush Bush, William Riley Calderwood, Howard Black C to CRA Calvin, Samuel Canan, John A. Canan, John J. Carn, Jacob Carper, Jacob S. Cass, Joseph K. Casanave, Germaine Chamberlin, Harry E. Charles, James W. Cherry, Blair Cherry, Emil T. Clapper, Archibald C. Clapper, Elinas M. Clapper, Peter S. Clark, Arthur B. Clark, B. J. Clark, Charles B. Clark, E. Thompson Clark, John Clemson, Clarence C. Clouse, W. H. Cochran, Peter Colclesser, Samuel Cole, John Coleman, Thomas Allen Coleman, Thomas L. Coltabaugh, William B. Colvin, Joseph A. Condron, Joseph B. Confer, Frank J. F. Confer, Jacob L. Conrad, W. Fisk Corl, Ambrose E. Cornelius, John F. Cowen, Albert A. Cowen, Edward H. Cox, Howard Francis Craine, M. W. Crawford, James Calvin Crawford, Luther F. Creighton, George Wishart CRE to FIN Crider, Henry C. Crissman, Benjamin F. Culp, H. W. Davenport, H. Lewis Davis, H. A. Davis, James H. Dean, William E. Delaney, C. W. Delozier, Austin B. Delozier, Joseph M. Dern, Henry Clay Detrick, Harry M. Detwiler, A. J. Detwiler, James Ralph Detwiler, Michael K. Dick, Daniel P. Dickson, John Diehl, John C. Diehl, Emanuel Dilling, George D. Dilling, Samuel H. Dively, Augustus V. Dively, Morgan Dixon, John Douglass, Charles Lowery Downing, Robert W. Downs, Charles S. Dudley, Charles B. Durborow, Richard N. Dysart, Edward Bell Dysart, James H. Dysart, W. B. Eckenlaub, Charles W. Elder, Robert D. Eldon, William M. Ellsworth, Josiah F. Emfield, Martin L. Engstrom, Frans Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Tyrone Farrand, Fred Clark Fay, John Feather, William H. Fickes, Franklin K. Fider, R. R. Figart, A. K. Findley, William Robison First National Bank, Bellwood FIR to GLE First National Bank, Tyrone Fisher, Andrew S. Fleck, Abram L. Fleck, A. Lee Fleck, Clair Crawford Fleck, Harry S. Fleck, Orlando G. Fleck, Thomas M. Flenner, William Harrison Flick, Edward H. Fluke, Calvin R. Fluke, Robert S. Fogel, Joseph Ford, Frank A. Forsht, John S. Fox, C. W. Franciscus, James P. Fraser, John Rodger Freeman, R. B. Fuoss, John Fuoss, William Furry, John E. Gailey, James Gailey, S. A. Garber, Aaron G. Garber, Eli Gardner, John Winfield Garman, Allen S. Garman, Robert Tipple Garner, George W. Garver, A. L. Garvey, Eugene A. Geesey, Charles Gheer, Thomas Patterson Gibbs, Alfred Wolcott Gill, George F. Gingerich, Roland D. Gleichert, Frederick Glenn, Walter B. Glessner, Frank Good, H. W. GOO to HES Good, William H. Graffius, William E. Grau, Phillip J. Grazier, John Howard Greene, Edgar B. Greevy, Thomas H. Gromiller, James William Gurd, H. S. Haagen, David F. Haberacker, E. O. M. Haffly, Samuel L. Hagerty, Frank H. Hagey, John G. Hagey, John E. Hahn, A. J. Hair, Edward Hair, H. G. Hall, John Haller, John Halton, John Hamilton, John Kerr Hammond, Harry K. Hammond, William S. Hamor, Walter J. Hancuff, V. Herby Hare, Adam Hare, Samuel B. Hare, Thomas C. Hare, William Hare, William M. Harnish, Archibald Conrad Harpster, Howard Harpster, William Howard Hart, Harry H. Hartman, Jesse L. Hazenstab, Adam H. Hegarty, Hammond Kelly Heinsling, H. T. Heinsling, William J. Henderson, Alfred J. Henry, Harrison Herbert, Thomas G. Hershberger, George Hess, Isaac C. Hetrick, S. F. HET to JON Heverly, H. A. Hicks, Josiah D. Hicks, William B. Hicks, William L. Hileman, Christian Hileman, Harry McClure Hiller, William F. Hillis, R. J. Hirt, Hironimus Hoover, Adam Hoover, B. F. Hoover, Daniel Hoover, Eli B. Hoover, J. E. [MIL to PAR (See Mock, George W.)] Hoover, Jacob W. HET to JON Hoover, John E. Hoover, John I. Hoover, Levi Hoover, S. Blair Hoyer, Samuel M. Hughes, James C. Hughes, John D. Humes, James R. Ickes, George A. Igo, Frank Irvin, Adie Franklin Irvin, John James Irvine, Robert C. Irwin, Abram R. Irwin, David W. Irwin, George C. Irwin, Isaac M. Irwin, James Walter Irwin, John J. Irwin, Lewis Willard Isenberg, John A. Isenberg, Joseph L. Jacobs, A. M. Johnston, John Kilgore Johnston, John W. Jones, Claude Jones, Charles S. W. Kagarise, E. S. KAG to LOT Kauffman, David Kaufman, D. Kazmaier, John Keagy, Frank Keasey, John M. Keith, David S. Keller, Louis C. Kelly, Patrick Joseph Kenote, Charles F. Sr. Kensinger, Henry D. Ketring, David T. King, Harry G. Kirsch, Stephen Klepser, David M. Klepser, Frederick M. Kloss, D. Shelly Krider, Isaac Kuhn, David Kunsman, William G. Kurtz, J. Banks Kyper, Don Cameron Kyper, George Washington Lamade, Louis G. Landis, Augustus S. Layman, Solomon S. Leberfinger, Michael Leisenring, Jacob Shindel Levengood, Brooklyn B. Lingafelt, Guy R. Lingenfelter, Moses Lingenfelter, Thaddeus C. Lingenfelter, Z. T. Lininger, Levi Lloyd, Alexander M. Long, Jeremiah Long, Samuel E. Loose, John K. Lorenz, Henry K. Lotz, Harry Crawford Loudon, C. Blaine LOU to METZ Lowrie, William L. Lowther, James W. Lukenbach, Frank Kreamer Lupfer, Joseph M. Lytle, Edward Heaghly McBurney, Charles F. McCarthy, Samuel Lane McCauley, Ernest Roedel McCauley, Herman K. McCauley, Thomas McClain, Frank McConahy, James C. McCullaugh, Charles J. McDowell, William Dennis McFarland, Albert Thomas McGarrah, Olin K. McGarvey, William Henry McGough, Silas A. McIntire, Abraham L. McKee, Louis E. McKillip, William McKnight, John Pierce McLanahan, J. King Mackey, Martin H. Madden, H. C. Manley, W. H. Manlove, Charles H. Marks, Charles Augustus Markley, William H. Martin, Thomas Francis Martz, S. Clayton Mathes, Benjamin F. Matthews, Stephen Reed Means, H. C. Meck, J. Foster Meek, D. G. Mentzer, Abraham L. Mentzer, James Franklin Mentzer, Irvin Metz, W. Ray Metzger, Irvin Dilling Miller, Frank Joseph MIL to PAR Miller, Homer C. Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John B. Mock, John G. Mock, George W. Mock, Isaac S. Mock, J. C. Molloy, Frank J. Moore, Joseph J. Moore, Thomas Moore, William Johnston Morgan, C. H. Morris, Alexander G. Morrison, P. L. Morrow, Alexander Dysart Morrow, Emory H. Morrow, M. M. Morrow, Thomas M. Morrow, William Howard Moyer, George Washington Moyer, Samuel Mummert, Martin H. Musser, Edward Rider Musser, Walter Scott Myers, Augustus G. Nason, W. Albert Neff, Daniel J. Neff, E. E. Nelson, John F. Neuwahl, Simon Norris, A. J. North, David E. Nowell, Mary Elizabeth Ober, Andrew Oburn, D. A. S. O'Neill, Thomas Carson Orr, Howard L. Osborne, Wilson W. Over, Frank J. Over, L. R. Parker, D. E. Parks, Joseph Walker Parsons, Thomas C. Patterson, Frank G. PAT to RUS Patterson, George G. Patterson, George M. Patterson, John K. Patterson, Marion D. Patton, George W. Patton, William A. Peck, Harry F. Piper, Robert L. Piper, William M. Plack, Louis Plummer, J. Lee Plummer, J. W. Pownall, Howard Webb Preston, Cecil A. Ramey, David K. Ramey, Frederick Ray, John K. Reed, Harry Reilly, P. J. Reilly, J. P. Reiser, Anthony Replogle, D. M. Replogle, George W. Replogle, H. B. Rhodes, Emory E. Rhodes, John M. Rhodes, Samuel S. Riebenack, Max Riggle, David Allen Ritchey, Franklin D. Ritchey, J. K. Robert, Lewis P. Robeson, Albert C. Robeson, Samuel Robeson, John B. Robison, Clair E. Rodkey, Joseph H. Rodrique, M. Aristide Root, Edward N. Ross, Samuel M. Ross, T. Dean Roudabush, D. M. Royer, John B. Russell, Frank M. Sauer, Calvin Grant SAU to STA Sausser, Harry M. Scheeline, Isaiah Seedenberg, J. P. Sell, James A. Sell, Jesse C. Sellers, John G. Shade, Milton B. Sharbaugh, William Shaw, Edmund Shaw, Oliver W. Sherman, A. F. Shimer, William S. Shirey, Harry W. Shoemaker, Benjamin F. Shoemaker, John Henry Shoemaker, Simon Shoenfelt, J. Blair Shoenfelt, John K. Shoenfelt, R. W. Shollar, James S. Showalter, David L. Shriver, Samuel M. Shultz, John A. Sigrist, Louis Sipes, Eugene A. Slippey, Isaac Slippey, Joseph Blair Small, J. B. Smeltzer, Raymond Fred Smith, A. B. Smith, Eli D. Smith, Forest Van Smith, George W. Smith, Guy H. Smith, Jacob D. Smith, James W. Smith, Thaddeus W. Snively, Daniel Snively, Joseph B. Snively, Samuel (see Snively, Daniel) Snoberger, Fred S. Snoeberger, Theodore D. Snyder, David G. Snyder, John M. Sorrick, John M. Sparr, Harry A. Spealman, David H. Sprankle, John A. Stayer, Andrew S. Stern, Aaron H. STE to WAL Stevens, Adie Allen Stevens, N. Augustine Stewart, Angus B. Stiffler, Abraham L. Stiffler, Frederick Stiffler, George W. Stiffler, Harry T. Stiffler, Henry M. Stine, Edwin W. Stom, George Stone, Andrew Tybout Stone, David Chalmer Stone, William Stoner, Samuel I. Straesser, Charles A. Strehle, Joseph Stultz, Martin L. Stultz, Norman Suckling, Thomas Henry Swanger, P. M. Tate, George F. Taylor, Amos O. Taylor, William F. Taylor, Wilmer E. Teeter, Daniel B. Thomas, George W. Thompson, Edgar F. Thompson, David M. Thompson, Harry Albert Tipton, George Allen Tobin, Thomas Treese, S. Blair Trout, Maybury G. Troutwine, John Leonard Tussey, Robert Irwin Tussey, Samuel C. Van Allman, Joseph Van Allman, William Vogt, William Walter, Calvin Walter, Hugh Walter, John E. Walter, Kirk Walters, Harry Franklin Walton, Isaac P. Walton, L. S. Waple, Charles McClelland WAP to ZOOK Ward, William B. Wareham, Jacob S. Warfel, B. F. Waring, Frank Malcolm Weaver, Francis Heyer Weber, Lewis B. Weest, Harry W. (see Weest Brothers) Weest, William (see Weest Brothers) Weir, Thomas Wertman, John S. Wertz, Albert M. Wertz, Henry S. Wertzberger, Joseph P. White, Charles J. White, David R. White, Elmer B. Whittaker, Ralph R. Wike, Michael J. Wiley, George Washington Wilson, George C. Wilson, James T. Wilson, John Wilson, Thomas L. Wilt, Alexander W. Wilt, Emanuel Wilt, Frederick S. Wineland, David L. Winter, Ferdinand A. Wisler, Samuel L. Witherow, Charles T. Witter, Albert A. Wolf, Adam J. Wolff, William Henry Wood, Daniel Deeter Woodcock, John Woodcock, William L. Wray, James Clement Wyerman, William Henry Yeater, I. F. Yeckley, William Yingling, Martin M. Young, Michael Alvin Zook, Charles W. Zook, Frederick R.