OBITS: CALDERWOOD Family, mostly Blair County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by June Weston Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ CALDERWOOD, Andrew Porter, 1887 CALDERWOOD, Arthur A., 1944 CALDERWOOD, Dorothy Ellen (MILLER), 1997 CALDERWOOD, Elda W. (LOUDEN), 1961 CALDERWOOD, George F., 1951 CALDERWOOD, Gideon, 1879 CALDERWOOD, Hannah (HISSONG), 1926 CALDERWOOD, Hanna Catherine (JOHNSTON), 1877 CALDERWOOD, John Howard, 1942 CALDERWOOD, Lester L., 1988 CALDERWOOD, Louise L., 1979 CALDERWOOD, Mary A. (GLASGOW), 1893 CALDERWOOD, Millard Fillmore, 1935 CALDERWOOD, Thomas, 1916 DR. A. P. CALDERWOOD DEAD. At a little after six o'clock Thursday evening, August 18th, the soul of Dr. Andrew Porter Calderwood was freed from its earthly tenement, and passed into the spiritual realm. Dr. Calderwood was the son of William and Kezia Calderwood, who were among the first settlers of this community. He was born near Weston's mill in Huntingdon county on the 25th of September, 1824, and was therefore 62 years 10 months and 24 days old at time of his death. His father was a charcoal coiler by occupation. Deceased read medicine with Dr. McDonald of Spruce Creek, and attended lectures in Philadelphia. After graduating in 1852, he located in Tyrone and engaged in very active practice until 1866, when his health became impaired and he was compelled to move more moderately in the work of his profession though he continued to practice more or less until a few years ago, when he gave up the work entirely, except when called to consult with another physician. On the 5th of February, 1857, Dr. Calderwood and Miss Elizabeth Jennie Smith were married. Mrs. Calderwood survives her husband. Four children were born to them - Judson J. and Annie A., who live at the home of their parents in Tyrone; Ira M. who died at the age of three years in 1862, at Altoona, and Alden S. who died in Tyrone in 1882, at the age of 20 years. Dr. Calderwood was a cousin of the late J. M. Calderwood. Deceased was always an earnest and good citizen and extremely positive in all things. While he practiced medicine he gave his undivided attention to the work of his profession, leaving the various places in local government for others to fill except a year or so when he occupied the position of school director. In early years he took a great interest in music, and taught many vocal classes in this vicinity. His disposition was kind and sympathetic and his friends include the entire community. He became a member of the M. E. church about the year 1850, and his life has been consistent with his christian profession ever since. During the past two years deceased's health had been much better than for some years before. Some four weeks ago he was again attacked, and had partially rallied - being able to walk down street Tuesday - when he was completely prostrated Wednesday morning at about one o'clock. From this time on he kept growing worse until death finally relieved him of his most intense suffering. His trouble came from disease of the liver and upper bowel. What can truthfully be said of all who live a purely christian life, can be said of the subject of this notice. He died with bright hopes for the future life. Fully resigned and patient to the last, he passed from the world of material things to waken into a full realization of what the true and consistent soul gains in the eternal world. The change is an inestimable gain to him. The funeral of Dr. Calderwood will take place at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon; the services to be conducted by his pastor, Rev. G. D. Penepacker, at the M. E. church. Interment at Tyrone cemetery. Tyrone Herald, Thursday, August 25, 1887 [Dr. Andrew Porter Calderwood was a member of the U. S. Army Surg. Med. Dept. from 19 May 1964 to 18 August 1864.] ________ ARTHUR A. CALDERWOOD Killed in Action Germany Lt. Arthur A Calderwood [photo] Mrs. Elda Calderwood's anxiety over her missing son, Lt. Arthur A. Calderwood, 23-year-old pilot of a C-47 transport plane, ended yesterday - tragically. She learned in a war department telegram delivered to her home at 600 Crawford avenue that the young Altoonan who has been missing since Dec. 27 over Belgium was killed on that date. One of the game youngsters who delivered airborne troops to the bitterly- contested sectors behind enemy lines, Lt. Calderwood belonged to the 1st Airborne command. In three major campaigns, he had delivered fighting Americans successfully, including Cherbourg, southern France, and Holland. He wore ribbons for the Air Medal with Clusters, and a Blue Badge representing the presidential citation given his unit. Graduated from Altoona High school in 1940, Lt. Calderwood was employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad company until his enlistment in September, 1942. He took preflight training in Tennessee and Missouri and won his wings at Altus field , Okla., in January, 1944, before becoming a flight officer at Randolph field, Tex., Jan. 9 of the same year. Arthur A. Calderwood was born June 23, 1921, the son of Mrs. Elda Calderwood and the late J. H. Calderwood. He is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Ethel Musser, Mrs. Gloria Temple and Lester Calderwood, all of Altoona; B. Frank, C. Howard and David Edward, Washing ton, DC; Mrs. Inez Springer, Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. Elda Sheffield, Rossville, Ga. Lt. Calderwood was a member of the Christ Second Lutheran church. [d. December 26, 1944] Altoona Mirror, May 4, 1945 ________ DOROTHY ELLEN CALDERWOOD Mrs. Dorothy Ellen Calderwood, 86, Rochester N.Y., formerly of Park Boulevard, Juniata, died Wednesday, June 18, 1997, in Rochester. She was born Aug. 5, 1910, in Juniata, the daughter of Elmer J. and Minnie Elizabeth (Weiser) Miller. She married Lester L. Calderwood. He died May 25, 1988. Mrs. Calderwood was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Juniata. She was a graduate of Juniata High School. Surviving are two daughters: Kathie Dickey of Rochester and Phyllis Tarner of Harrisburg; a sister, Marjorie Weierick of Altoona; seven grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. Arrangements by the Dreier-Giltner Funeral Home, Rochester. Altoona Mirror, Friday, June 20, 1997 ________ MRS. ELDA W. CALDERWOOD Of 610 14th St., died at 2:45 a. m. today in the Altoona Hospital where she was admitted April 16. She was born in Williamsburg Sept. 19, 1876, a daughter of James and Gloria (Wertz) Louden, and married J. Howard Calderwood, who preceded her in death. Surviving are nine children, Mrs. Ethel Musser, Mrs. Gloria Temple, Lester L. and Louise of the city, B. Frank of Washington, D.C., C. Howard and David E. of Hyattsville, Md., Mrs. Elda Sheffield of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Inez Springer of Birmingham, Ala.; 14 grandchildren, eight great- grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters, Wilmore and Elizabeth of Tyrone, Leland of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Ida Allison of Williamsburg. A son, Arthur, was killed in World War II. She was a member of Christ Second Lutheran Church, Sunday School and Quilting Society. Friends will be received at the Books Funeral Home after 7 p. m. today. Altoona Mirror, April 25, 1961 ________ GEORGE F. CALDERWOOD Of 624 West Fourteenth street, Tyrone, a life long resident of Tyrone, died Sunday night( January 7, 1951, after an illness of two years. He was born May 5, (873, at Tyrone, the son of Thomas and Hannah (Hesson) [Hissong] Calderwood. On Dec 5, 1901, he married Elizabeth M. Mellott at Altoona. Surviving are his wife, a brother, Frank C. Calderwood of Tyrone, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Krone, and Mrs. Blanche Park, both of Altoona. He was a member of the First Lutheran Church. In 1931 he was retired at the Altoona work, having previously been employed in the Tyrone car shops. Friends are being received at the Graham and Getz funeral home. Altoona Mirror, January 9, 1951 ________ DEATH OF GIDEON CALDERWOOD The grim messenger, Death, has been here again, and laid his cold hand upon a venerable citizen of our town. Last week, Gideon D. Calderwood was stricken with paralysis, and died on Saturday, between 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He had been a citizen of Tyrone since April, 1866, and was universally respected wherever he was known. Mr. Calderwood was born near Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county; had relatives in that county, Blair and Clearfield; resided in this part of the state during all his life, and when he died, had attained the age of 68 years, 1 month and 24 days. He was a member of the M. E. Church, in good standing, from 1830 until the time of his death, and held the position of sexton in the Church at this place, for a number of years. The funeral took place on Sunday, the remains being attended to the Tyrone Cemetery by a large number of relatives, friends and citizens generally. Thus our old friend, whom we regarded as a pattern of piety, honesty and sobriety, has gone from earth and its troubles, to his everlasting home. Tyrone Herald, Thursday, November 20, 1879, page 3 ________ MRS. HANNAH CALDERWOOD Of 607 W. 14th St., Tyrone, died at the Altoona hospital at noon today of a complication of diseases. She was a patient at the hospital for eight days. She was aged 49 years 1 month and 15 days. Five children survive. The remains were taken to Tyrone. Altoona Mirror clipping A MOTHER CALLED Mrs. Hannah Calderwood, of 601 West Fourteenth street passed away at the Altoona Hospital at the noon hour on Monday, of a complication of diseases. Mrs. Hannah Calderwood was a daughter of the late William and Sarah Hessong and was born on July 8, 1847, at Hollidaysburg. On April 2, 1866, she was united in marriage with Thomas Calderwood at Hollidaysburg, by the Rev. Mr. Barron of that place. To this union eight children were born, five of whom survive as follows: Frank and George, of Tyrone; Howard, Mrs. John Crone and Mrs. Thomas Park of Altoona. William died in infancy, Mrs. Alice McClain died in Chicago in 1911 and E. D. Calderwood met death at the Fourth street plant, Altoona. These brothers and sister also survive: William of Philipsburg; John, of Nanty-Glo; Edward of Jerome; George of Edna, Texas; Joseph of Missouri and Mrs. Mary Bechtol of Philipsburg. Very early in life Mrs. Calderwood became affiliated with the German Lutheran church and lived her life according to the teaching of that faith. She was a loving mother and a good neighbor and was happy in doing something for others. She will be greatly missed in the home and the community in which she lived. Funeral services will be held at the family home on Fourteenth street and Hamilton avenue on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made in Grandview cemetery. Tyrone Daily Herald, Tuesday, 24 August 1926, Front page ________ Hannah Catherine Johnston Calderwood On Tuesday morning at quarter after six o'clock, Mrs. Hannah Calderwood departed this life at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Elijah Thompson of this place. The deceased was ninety three years of age on the twenty-fourth of last May and was born in Maryland and removed to this country in the arms of her mother on horse back while a mere child and since have never been away from home further than a day's travel on horseback in her life. She was but once in a railroad car that time going from Tyrone to Hannah Furnace on The Bald Eagle Valley Railroad. She could tell the names of all the first settlers of this vicinity, and told many interesting Indian stories having seen many red men in the early part of her life. She could tell the locations of all their paths in Bald Eagle, Warriors Mark, Spruce Creek and Tuckahoe Valley. She was always healthy and able to work and walk about with apparent ease until about two years ago when she was attacked with paralysis since when she has been confined to her bed. It is only about six years since she walked to Ironville and back. Her maiden name was Johnston, and her husband, Andrew Calderwood died in 1821. Burial will be at the Warriors Mark graveyard, Warriors Mark. Tyrone Herald [d. 4 September 1877] ________ JOHN HOWARD CALDERWOOD Died at his home, 600 Crawford avenue, this morning at 4 o'clock after an extended illness. He was born Oct. 31, 1877, in Tyrone, the son of Thomas and Hannah (Hissong) Calderwood. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elda (Louden) Calderwood, and these children: Mrs. Ethel Musser, Mrs. Gloria Temple, and Miss Louise Calderwood all of Altoona; Mrs. Elda Sheffield of Farmville, Va., Mrs. Inez Springer of Birmingham, Ala., Frank Howard and David of Washington D.C., and Lester and Arthur Calderwood of Altoona. There are also two sisters and two brothers surviving, Mrs. Mary Crone and Mrs. Blanch Park, both of Altoona, and George and frank Calderwood, both of Tyrone. There are also nine grandchildren. Mr. Calderwood was a member of the Second Lutheran Church. For a number of years he had been employed at the Hoffman dairy plant, but for some time had been retired. The body may be viewed at the home after 6 o'clock this evening. Altoona Mirror, July 9, 1942 ________ Lester L. Calderwood Mr. Calderwood, 81, of 1106 Park Blvd., Juniata, died at 7:45 a. m. Wednesday, May 25, 1988, at Altoona Hospital, following a brief illness. Mr. Calderwood retired as a buyer in the linen, domestic and piece goods department of the William F. Gable Department Store in 1980, after 54 years' service. He was born Feb. 16, 1907, in Tyrone, the son of John Howard and Elda (Louden) Calderwood, and Sept. 22, 1932, in Altoona, married Dorothy E. Miller. Surviving are his wife, two daughters: Phyllis Tarner of Harrisburg, and Kathie Dickey of Vestal, N.Y.; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Also surviving are seven brothers and sisters: Ethel Musser and Gloria Temple of Altoona, Inez Springer of Birmingham, Ala.; Elda Sheffield of Richmond, Va.; Frank of Esmont, Va., Howard of Hyattsville, Md., and David of Pomfret, Md. Mr. Calderwood was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Juniata. He was also a member of the Hiram Lodge, F&AM. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Friday at the E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Juniata. Altoona Mirror, May 26, 1988 ________ Louise L. Calderwood 70, formerly of 112 E. Second Ave. died at 11:20 p. m. Sunday, June 24, 1979, in Valley View Home. Miss Calderwood retired as a nurses' aide from Altoona Hospital. She was born Dec. 12, 1908, in Tyrone, the daughter of J. Howard and Elda (Louden) Calderwood. Surviving are eight brothers and sisters, Mrs. Ethel Musser, Mrs. Gloria Temple and Lester L. of Altoona, B. Frank of Esmont, Va.; Mrs. Elda Sheffield of Richmond, Va.; C. Howard of Hyattsville, Md.; David E. of Ponfret, Md., and Mrs. Inez Springer of Birmingham, Ala. Miss Calderwood was a member of Christ Second Lutheran Church. Friends will be received in the I. Melvin Books Funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Wednesday. Altoona Mirror, January 25, 1979 ________ Death of Mrs. Mary A. Calderwood Mrs. Mary A. Calderwood died of paralysis at her home on North Pennsylvania avenue, Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. Her illness had extended over twenty-two months. The deceased whose maiden name was Glasgow, was born on the McGlathery place, on the present site of Altoona, January 19, 1815, having been aged therefore 78 years, 7 months, and 29 days, at the time of her death. On March 25, 1835, at Glasgow, Cambria county, she was united in marriage to Gideon Calderwood who died in Tyrone November 14, 1879. Of their seven children, two are passed beyond, John, who starved to death in a rebel prison at Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Hannah Cowan. The surviving children are: Thomas and Elizabeth, of Tyrone; Andrew Porter, of Fallen Timber; Gideon Draper, of Altoona, and David, of Boies City, Idaho. In 1835 she became a member of the primitive Methodist church then existing when log cabins were the places of worship and old style camp meetings held supremacy, and continued a faithful worshiper in that faith until death called her to her reward. She was a faithful and loving wife and mother, and one who as a friend endeared herself to all those who knew her. The remains were removed from her late home at 10 o'clock Tuesday to the First Methodist Episcopal church, where the funeral services were conducted by Pastor R. H. Gilbert, after which interment in Tyrone cemetery. Tyrone Harold, Thursday, September 21, 1893, Front page ________ MILLARD FILMORE CALDERWOOD WAR VETERAN EXPIRES. BELLEFONTE, Feb. 12. - Millard Fillmore Calderwood died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Kurtz, in East Linn street, on Saturday, Feb. 9. He was a son of George L. and Rosana Calderwood and was born in Altoona on Aug. 12, 1848. He was a Civil war veteran and a retired Pennsylvania railroad employe. Funeral services were conducted at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Kurtz, Sunday evening, Rev. Robert Sudlow, pastor of the Bellefonte St. John's Episcopal church, officiating. Burial was made Monday in the Fairview cemetery in Altoona. February 9, 1935 clipping ________ Thomas Calderwood A venerable resident of this place, died suddenly at 3.22 o'clock Saturday afternoon at his home on Hamilton avenue, from a paralytic stroke, suffered at 8 o'clock the same morning. Mr. Calderwood was about his home as usual in the morning, in good spirits and it was not until 8 o'clock that he became stricken, while in the kitchen. He fell over suddenly without warning, and never regained full consciousness after that. His one side was paralyzed at first and then about 2 o'clock in the afternoon his whole body was paralyzed and he slept quietly away. He had suffered a stroke about four years ago. He was a son of Gideon D. and Mary Ann Glasgow Calderwood, and was born Jan 28, 1843, at Weston's Mills, Huntingdon county. Later he lived at Glasgow, Clearfield county, and then came to Tyrone when the Civil war started, enlisting in company B of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry. His service was brilliant and exciting, he having taken part in twelve important engagements as follows: Jeffersonville, Spottsylvania, Beaver Dam, Hawe's Shop, St. Mary's Church, Jerusalem, Plank Road, Lee's Mills, Boynton Plank Road, Hatch's Run, Dabney's Mills and Gravelly Run. He was wounded in the wrist by a saber thrust at Jeffersonville in October, 1863. He participated also in the Carolina campaign in driving out the guerrillas and was present when General Johnston surrendered. He was honorably discharged at Raleigh, N. C., July 4, 1865. After his return home, he settled down and was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Hyssong of Bald Eagle, the wedding taking place at Hollidaysburg, April 2, 1868, the officiating clergyman being Rev. D. H. Barron of Hollidaysburg Presbyterian church. To this union eight children were born, five of whom survive as follows: Frank, George, Howard and Mrs. Thomas Park of Tyrone and Mrs. John O. Crone of Altoona. He also leaves two brothers and two sisters: Gideon D. of Altoona, Mrs. Elizabeth Meadeville of Tyrone, Porter of Dunlo, Pa., and David in the west. He was an attendant at the First Presbyterian church here and also was a member of Blazing Arrow tribe, No. 406, I. O. R. M. Funeral services will be held at the late home, corner Hamilton avenue and Fourteenth street, at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, in charge of Rev. Herbert W. Bieber, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment in Grand View cemetery. The Red Men's burial ceremony will be used. Altoona Tribune, Monday, February 21, 1916, page 12