Butler-Clarion-Allegheny County PA Archives Marriages.....Dunlap, Sophonia - Bortz., George Washington November 6, 1889 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: susie brashear oliver903@aol.com May 26, 2008, 9:29 pm Clarion County Pa. Court house Certificate No.: 490 No. 490 Marriage Licence State of Pennsylvania}s.s. County of Clarion To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace,or any officers or persons authorized by the law to solemnize marriage: Legal evidence having been furnished to me in accordance with the act of Assembly approved the twenty third day of June, one thousand eight hundred eighty-five, you are hereby authorized to join in the holy state of Matrimony ,according to the rites and ceremonies of your church,society or religious denomination and the laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. George W. Bortz and Sophonia Dunlap. {seal}Gives under my hand and the seal of the Orphans Court of said County of Clarion, at Clarion this 2nd day of November A.D. 1889.W.C.Cockrman clerk. No. 490 Duplicate Certificate I, Homer H.Moore certify, that on the sixth day of November, one thousand eight hundred eighty nine at Foxburg Pa. George W.Bortz and Sophonia Dunlap were by me united in marriage accordance with license issue the clerk of Orphans Court of County of Clarion Pennsylvania numbered 490 Homer H.Moore Filed Nov. 12 1889 Additional Comments: Application for Marriage License No. 490 1.Full name of man, George W. Bortz 2.Full name of woman, Sophonia Dunlap 3.Relationship of the parties by blood or marriage, none at all. 4.Age of man,31 years of age 5..Age of woman, 27 years of age. 6.Residence of the man, Foxburg Pa. 7.Residence of the woman, Foxburg Pa. 8.Birthplace of man,Venango Ceo Pa. 9.Birthplace of woman,Clarion County Pa. 10.Parents name- man,Henry and Isabella Bortz. .11. Parents name- woman Moses and Juliet Dunlap. 12. Guardians name- man,none. 13.. Guardians name- woman 14.Date of Marriage of man,if any. never was married. 15.Date of Marriage of woman,if any. never was married. 16.Date of death of mans former wife,none 17.Date of death of womans former husband,none 18.Date of Divorce of man at any time,none. 19.Date of Divorce of woman at any time. 20.Cause of Divorce of man,none. 21.Cause of Divorce of woman,none. 22.Color of parties,white. 23.Occupation of man,gardner. 24.Occupation of woman, at home with parents. 25.Consent of parents or guardians of man,none. 26.Consent of parents or guardians of woman,none. Clarion county,SS; Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace of said County of Clarion. George W.Bortz and Sophonia Dunlap were by me united in marriage accordance with license issue who, being duly qualified according the law,did dispose, and say that the statements above set forth are correct,and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.Sworn and subscribed before me this 1st day of November A.D. 1889 } GeorgeW.Bortz} Sophonia Dunlap} Howard Kerr,Justice of the Peace. Recorded Nov. 2 1889 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 3.4 Kb