NEWS: Items from the Cambria Freeman; Ebensburg, PA; 13 Oct 1905 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 13 Oct 1905 Volume 39, Number 40 Items Local and Personal F. H. Barker, Edward O. Jones, and Timothy Jones, property owners along Locust Alley between High and Sample streets in this place, have addressed the borough council with a petition for permission to pave the thoroughfare. Their proposition is that the borough put in the curbing and they will do the rest. Locust Alley is considerably traveled. A letter, written by Grier Hile, formerly clerk at the Metropolitan Hotel here, to a friend in Ebensburg states that he has sold his café in East Liverpool, O., which he purchased last spring and will return to Ebensburg shortly. Mr. Hile has many friends here who will doubtless be glad to welcome his return to the county capital. Boney Bros. of the Ebensburg Electrical Supply Company have moved their stock of supplies from the Opera House to the Bearer store room on Julian street, where they have opened out a splendid display of all kinds of electrical fixtures. Prothonotary and Mrs. Charles E. Troxell and their little daughter of Ebensburg went to Johnstown Wednesday evening of last week and remained until Thursday at the Capital Hotel. Mrs. E. H. Wagenhals and family who spent the past three months at their summer residence in this place departed Wednesday for their home at Fort Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Charlotte Scanlon has been confined to her room for several days with a severe attack of asthma and bronchial trouble. We hope she may speedily recover. Barber Robert E. Treese of the Metropolitan shop with his wife and children is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Howell of Market street, Johnstown. Daniel McGough of this place was in Cresson Tuesday attending a meeting of the Underwriters Association of Insurance Representatives. Jacob Fronheiser and wife of Johnstown were Ebensburg visitors Tuesday. They drove from Johnstown in their automobile. Misses Lulu Davis and Emma Davis of the East ward departed Saturday afternoon for a two weeks visit in Pittsburg. Mr. Joseph Bengele, one of Gallitzin's prominent business men, called in to see us while in town on business Wednesday. Samuel Parrish of Pittsburg, a son of Justice J. D. Parrish of this place, is visiting his parents. His wife accompanied him. William Peach has resigned as constable in Centre ward and gone to Altoona where he has accepted a good position. Mrs. Maude Davis of Ebensburg was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis and family of Conemaugh last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonce Shields of Pittsburg have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shields here. M. J. Stoltz has brought his fine hose, Porter, home from Johnstown, where he had been under treatment. Assistant Postmaster Harrison Davis and Mrs. Davis are visiting at Harrisburg and Gettysburg. Mr. "Buzz" Parrish of Bellefonte is visiting his parents, Squire J. D. Parrish and wife here. Deputy Treasurer W. A. McGuire went to Johnstown Monday on business. Mr. William H. Mondy of South Fork had business at this office Tuesday. William H. Piper of Johnstown was in Ebensburg Monday and Tuesday. Esq. Boone of Patton was among the visitors to this place Monday. Dr. O. G. A. Barker came home from Johnstown for a Sunday visit. Insurance Agent F. D. Gibson went over to Gallitzin Tuesday. Emil Roth of Johnstown was an Ebensburg visitor Tuesday. Local Items W. N. Bolsinger killed the first and only gray squirrel that has been brought to town this season. The High School football team of this place expects to go to Gallitzin to play a game with the boys there. The W. C. T. C. will meet at the home of John Evans in the East ward on Tuesday evening of next week. Additional Personals Miss Thomas of Youngstown, O., is spending several weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jones of Centre ward. Mrs. Edward Bolsinger of Forbes street, who sailed for Europe last August will spend this month in Paris. She will go to Paris from Carlsbad and will not sail for home until November 19th. (Pittsburg DISPATCH) Mrs. H. E. Meckley and a party of lady friends including Mrs. J. F. McKenrick and daughter, Miss Shuey Burns, Mrs. C. D. Shenefelt and Mrs. J. A. O'Hara, drove to the Burns homestead for chestnuts and all had a jolly time and a good mess of chestnuts. Squire E. R. Dunegan of St. Augustine, one of the best known residents of the north of the county is reported critically ill of a complication of stomach and heart trouble from which he has suffered for some years. Squire Dunegan now about 60 years old served as County Commissioner in the county in 1864. Ashville News R. A. Burgoon of Altoona called on friends in this place Sunday. W. G. McGee and F. E. Adams of Altoona were in town a few hours on Wednesday on their way to St. Augustine. J. C. Fry of Glen Campbell was in town on business this week. Mrs. R. McKendrick of Mahaffey is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. A. Harrington of this place. Miss Rose Berringer of St. Augustine was shopping in town Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Litzinger spent Friday with Dysart friends. T. A. Osburn and William C. McGuire of Ebensburg were business callers Monday. Messrs. Charles Litzinger, Alex Conrad and Benjamin Overburger of Chest Springs spent Wednesday evening with friends in this place. C. A. Rogers of Altoona spent Friday in town. Robert Litzinger made a business trip to Cresson on Monday. Miss Kathryn Myers is at present visiting Altoona friends. John Fitzpatrick of Gallitzin was in town this week. W. C. Lowell of Blandburg was a business caller in town Monday. V. J. Bender and lady of Patton spent Sunday in Ashville. Fire at Gallitzin Gallitzin, Oct. 6 Daniel Deegan, assistant superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance's company, Johnstown district, with headquarters in this place, had a narrow escape with his wife and two children from death by fire early this morning. The flames which broke out at 1 o'clock destroyed the residence occupied by the Deegans and about all their household furniture with the exception of some articles saved from the kitchen. Incidentally Mr. Deegan is said to have either lost or to have been robbed of $180 which he had placed in a coat pocket during the excitement of the fire. Mr. Deegan is said to have carried some insurance on his furniture. Shoots Officer Andrew Gutwald in Foot Andrew Gutwald of Gallitzin and Railroad Officer Parrish attempted to arrest a man at Benscreek Thursday afternoon on a charge of false pretense, but the culprit espied the officers in time to get a start on the run from them and proved himself a good sprinter. The officers, seeing they were losing ground opened fire. The pursued was equal to the emergency and returned the compliment, a bullet striking Constable Gutwald in the foot, inflicting painful injury. A Chestnutting Party Misses Sloda McComb and Mary H. Gibson, principals in the Wilkinsburg schools and who attended Summer Assembly here two year ago, spent Saturday and Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gibson. On Saturday an outing party was formed with chestnuts as the object. Only a few were found and the frolic wound up with a supper at Carrolltown. Spangler Men Touring the West The Messrs. W. A. Lantzy and Lorenzo Wyland who left Spangler on Sept. 25th for a two-months' trip through the west have written recently from Utah where they are at present. From Utah they will go to California, Oregon and other points along the Pacific Coast. They expect to return about Thanksgiving. Tax Assessors Resign The county commissioners have received the resignations of Alexander Lang, tax assessor of the Second ward of South Fork and J. S. Burkhart, tax assessor, Gallitzin borough. Mr. Lang will leave South Fork shortly to locate in Greensburg.