NEWS: Cambria Freeman; 16 Mar 1906; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 16 Mar 1906 Volume 40, Number 10 Items Local and Personal Dr. John Lowman of Johnstown was here on Tuesday attending court. A good stock of ladies' white waists just received at Mrs. R. E. Jones. Postmaster Fes Lloyd has been laid up with a bad cold for the last few days. Mr. Geo. Kinkead was in Johnstown Saturday last looking up the baseball schedule. Mrs. Joseph Wilt of Blandburg was among those to come to the county seat Wednesday. Mr. Philip Evans of Johnstown spent Sunday with relatives at his former home in this place. Mr. George Delancy, an employee of THE FREEMAN office, spent Sunday with relatives at Lilly. Mrs. F. H. Barker of the East ward is confined to her room with a severe attack of tonsillitis. Mr. Clinton Oshal of Pittsburg spent Sunday at the home of his parents in Cambria township. Miss Blanche Rice of Worcester, Mass. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kephart of this place. Mr. George Porch, the Ebensburg music dealer, has returned from his visit of several days in Johnstown. Mr. David Somerville of Cherrytree paid THE FREEMAN office a pleasant call while in town Monday on business. Miss Lovell Barker returned home Monday from a two weeks visit with friends at Philipsburg and Delta, Pa. The Misses Sadie James and Minnie Daniel of Johnstown spent a few days in our town visiting friends and relatives. Andrew Illig, one of our valued Carrolltown subscribers, was a welcome visitor at the office of THE FREEMAN Tuesday. Hon. A. V. Barker left Thursday evening for Philadelphia where he will spend several days attending to legal business. Frank Dietrich of Carrolltown was in town on business Tuesday and dropped into THE FREEMAN office on a friendly call. Contractor P. M. Swope of Carrolltown has signed a contract to put up a dwelling for S. D. Ludwig in the East ward, this place. J. A. McMullen of Nantyglo, formerly warden of the Cambria County jail, paid us a pleasant call while in town Wednesday on business. Thomas Burns of Barnesboro was among THE FREEMAN's visitors Wednesday, he having been on a business trip to the county capitol. Among the Johnstowners attending court this week was Joseph W. Koch, formerly Secretary of the Cambria Brewing Company of Johnstown. Miss Ruth, daughter of Policeman John Finn, of this place, is laid up with diphtheria, which, however, is said to be not of a serious nature. Mrs. F. C. Jones returned home from Philadelphia Tuesday evening after visiting her daughter, Miss Marian, who is attending Swarthmore college. Mr. Chester Langdon, a coal operator of Huntingdon, was registered at the Fenwycke Hall over Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marsteller. Dr. Butler Roberts of Pittsburg with his little niece, Rebecca Siviter, spent Sunday with Dr. Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Roberts of this place. Henry Pfeister, one of Chest Spring's prominent citizens, was among the Ebensburg visitors Sunday and, while in town, paid THE FREEMAN office a pleasant call. Miss Alberta Gates was at Cresson Tuesday evening where she assisted in rendering the musical program at the concert given by Miss Oneita McClintock of Coalport. Mrs. C. C. Laubauch, of Altoona, after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Englehart of this place, departed for her home Wednesday evening. Miss Pugh, daughter of David Pugh, formerly of this place, who went west a few years ago, is visiting friends in this place. Miss Pugh came here from the State of Ohio. Attorney J. F. McKenrick has about completed negotiations for the purchase of the Jesse Ferguson property on Julian street, this place. Mr. Ferguson, the owner of the property, will remove to the West within the near future. Landlord Hugh Brown of the Central Hotel while out fox hunting on Thursday found it necessary to kill one of his hounds which got among the sheep of Daniel W. Jones at South Ebensburg and handled them roughly. John Welsh and Samuel Sleigh of Barnesboro departed Tuesday for Indianapolis where they will attend the convention of the United Mine Workers of America as delegates representing District No. 1 of District No. 2. The convention convened Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. News from Blandburg At this writing Mrs. Perry Troxell is in a serious condition and not likely to recover, death being indicated by symptoms of paralysis which have occurred the third or fourth time. Old age and debility incident thereto account for her indisposition. The recent blizzard landed about 12 inches of snow and now the sleigh bells jingle day and night. Ashville Notes Mrs. M. Douglass of this place spent several days of last week with Chest Spring friends. Mrs. Lewis Naylor of Dysart spent Tuesday with friends in this place. R. A. Burgoon of Altoona is visiting friends and relatives of this place. We are sorry to note the illness of B. H. Hollern of this place. Mrs. J. Ward of Amsbry was shopping in town Wednesday. M. McAllister made a business trip to Ebensburg Wednesday. George Platt, of Gallitzin, spent Tuesday with Ashville friends. Robert Litzinger made a business trip to Johnstown Monday. C. A. Rogers of Altoona was a business caller in town Friday. L. Biller of Pittsburg was an Ashville caller Wednesday. C. W. Martin of Altoona was in town Thursday. E. F. Dunegan of Dysart was in town Monday. Believed to be Insane Frank Sager, of Vintondale, was brought to jail here Friday afternoon on a warrant sworn out by Constable R. D. Evans of this place, charging him with surety of the peace. He is said to have threatened to kill his wife and he is thought to be insane. A commission to examine him will likely be appointed. Merry Sleighing Party A sleighing party in charge of Herman E. Krug of Amsbry drove into Ebensburg yesterday and registered at the Mountain House. After visiting the court house and other places of interest they took supper and departed for their houses. The party was composed of the Mesdames M. Nicholson, Dr. Miller, J. Ward, John Garbutt, Henry Fisher, Thomas Jones, J. C. Gutwald and E. J. Adams. A Sledding Party from Loretto A jolly crowd of youngsters from Prof. George A. Lieb's Loretto Grammar Schools, arrived in Ebensburg yesterday afternoon in a large sled and spent several hours in the Court House, very much interested in the proceedings of the court which was in session. The party consisted of Marie Kittell, Mildred McGough, Irene Cooper, Bertha Cooper, Bessie McGuire, Viola McGuire, Mary Youhas, Hellen Moran, Rose Adams, Leo Kittel, Walter Rudolph, Tibertus Little, George Hogue, Ferd Wills, Edward Wills and Prof. Lieb. Given Ten Years Milo Bunda and Stogan Velomorovic were convicted of highway robbery Wednesday evening after a brief trial. It was shown that they were the two men who held up Jacob N. Marsh and Joseph McGirt in Cambria City and took money, clothing and jewelry from them. Both men were sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary on one charge of highway robbery, sentence being suspended upon the other. Black Hand Society at Work Reports which seem to indicate more Black Hand operators in Cambria county have been made to the county authorities. Diney Mitchell, an Italian, was badly cut about the face near Amsbry Thursday night of last week for no apparent reason. The man who did the cutting was a strange Italian and was accompanied by another Italian whom Amsbry or Ashville people had never seen before. In the excitement, both escaped. Second Week of Court – Extract Marko Koramarovic, charged with the murder of John Horna in Cambria City was arraigned for trial Wednesday evening. The prisoner entered a plea of not guilty. The selection of a jury was then begun and much difficulty was experienced, as usual, in selecting the required number of talisman to sit in judgment on the case.