NEWS: Cambria Freeman; 7 Dec 1906; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 7 Dec 1906 Volume 40, Number 49 Items Local and Personal Mr. Cord Snyder of Snowshoe is here attending court this week. John L. Stough of this place has been confined to his home by illness for the past few days. Miss Gussie Owens has returned home from Braddock where she had been visiting relatives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Roberts of Johnstown visited Mrs. Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert James and family of the West ward several days during Thanksgiving week. After retiring from the sheriff's office as Deputy Sheriff, D. A. McGough will devote his entire attention to the insurance business. Mr. McGough will write both life and fire insurance policies and have his office in Ebensburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fenlon of Bellefonte attended the funeral of their relative, Miss Ann McDonald on Thursday. Mrs. George Bearer and little daughter, Katherine of Pittsburg, are spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Cornelia Porter attended the funeral of Leo Horan in Johnstown on Tuesday. Peter Collins of Bellefonte was in attendance at the funeral of Miss Ann McDonald on Thursday. Rev. J. T. Jones visited Frank Devereaux in the Altoona Hospital on Wednesday. Dr. Harry Somerville of Chest Springs was an Ebensburg visitor on Wednesday. The Hon. Edmund Jones, accompanied by his son-in-law, W. I. Stineman of South Fork and Dr. F. B. Jones of Ebensburg departed last evening for Philadelphia where Mr. James will consult a specialist for nervous disease. Late News of County Gilbert McNally of Lilly has accepted the position of assistant freight agent at Cresson. John A. Leap is hustling for the appointment of Postmaster of Lilly to succeed F. A. Thomson, whose term expires next July and who, it is understood, does not desire reappointment. Mr. Leap already has numerous signatures to his petition. J. Ward Hile is back at his post in the First National Bank of Spangler, after a two weeks vacation which was spent principally in the woods hunting. Ward has now on tap enough hunting stories to entertain his friends for the next six months. (Barnesboro STAR) Has Hand Amputated Cambria Township Man Undergoes Operation at Altoona Hospital Frank Devereaux, the Cambria Township farmer who had his left hand badly crushed and lacerated last week when it was caught in the rollers of a corn shredder, had the member amputated at the Altoona Hospital Monday evening. The amputation was made between the wrist and elbow and Mr. Devereaux is getting along as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Is Dying from Pistol Wounds Lewis Haney of Spangler, Shot by Son-in-Law, is in a Critical Condition – Result of a Dispute over Woman Lewis Haney of Spangler is dying at the Memorial Hospital from pistol wounds inflicted Thursday afternoon by his son-in-law, Ira Gray, known to his friends as Rene, and a son of ex-Sheriff J. A. Gray. The pistol ball which will undoubtedly cause Haney's death passed though his liver, stomach and kidneys. His condition was said to be critical by the attendants at the Memorial Hospital this morning, although it is thought that he will live for a day or so. For some time past feelings the opposite of friendly has existed between Haney and his son-in-law. Shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Haney went to the Gray home. "We've come to take Mary home," they said, referring to Gray's wife, their daughter. An altercation followed and both men talked excitedly. Gray, losing his temper, drew a .32-calibre revolver from his pocket and fired twice at his father-in-law who fell to the floor. Gray walked over to the office of Dr. Wheeling and sent the physician to attend to Haney. He was arrested shortly afterward by Constable Crouse of Barnesboro and after a hearing before Squire Rodkey, was ordered committed to jail at Ebensburg. Not until the squire ordered him taken away did he seem to realize his position and then he broke down completely and wept like a child. In the meantime physicians attending Haney had decided that if his life could be saved at all, he must have the best of treatment and ordered him sent to the Memorial Hospital. He arrived in Johnstown last night shortly after 5 o'clock. Gray conducted a pool room in Spangler and is quite well known. It is said that he quarreled with his wife frequently. Vintondale Cutting Affray Vintondale, Dec. 4 John O'Brien was seriously if not fatally cut about the head and Mike Murphy was stabbed several times in the body this afternoon by John Cooper, a negro. Cooper was not arrested. When last seen he was on his way to Wehrum. He has a large Colt revolver and is determined to make his escape, it is said. Reader O. Smeed Reader O. Smeed, aged seventeen years, a miner employed at Bencher's country coal bank near Barnesboro was fatally burned recently by the explosion of a keg of blasting powder. It appears he was filling a cartridge to make a shot when his lighted lamp fell into the powder, causing an explosion. He was so badly burned that death resulted in a few hours. Was Well Known Here L. Lee Dilworth who committed suicide by shooting himself Monday in Pittsburg was well known in this place. He spent most of last summer here with his brother, George M. Dilworth and made the acquaintance of many Ebensburgers. He was 52 years of age and unmarried. Cutting at St. Boniface Paul Kral, the Victim, is Dead, and Alleged Assailant is in County Jail John Drugan of St. Boniface, cut badly about the body, is a prisoner in the jail at Ebensburg and Paul Kral, another foreigner, is dead as the result of a brawl at St. Boniface last Friday night. The two men were "buddies," working in the same mine and living in the same room. Late Friday night some trouble occurred in their boarding house. Conflicting stores are told. It is said that Drugan dropped a glass and was censured for so doing by a woman and by Kral. A row then started between the two men. Kral had a knife. To get this Drugan tried, being badly cut in the attempt, but he finally succeeded and then sank the blade in Kral's body. Drugan was immediately seized by the other boarders and held until the arrival of officers. He was held for court by Justice Ott. Charles Boyd Pittsburg, Dec. 5 Charles Boyd of Johnstown, a structural ironworker, fell through the uncompleted Wilmot street bridge to the ground, 150 feet below. Doctors say he was dead before he reached the ground. His foot slipped on a frosty girder.