NEWS: Cambria Freeman; 1907; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 29 Mar 1907 Volume 41, Number 13 Items Local and Personal The Hon. Ed. James, who has been confined to his home here for some time through illness, will likely not be able to go to Harrisburg for a week or so. Mr. James is suffering from a severe attack of erysipelas and is not yet able to be out of the house. Dr. Olin G. A. Barker of Johnstown returned home Monday evening from Ebensburg where he had been with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Barker since Saturday night. Mrs. Luke Behe of Clearfield township has made sale of her personal property and moved to Altoona where her boys will work in the PRR shops. Miss Hattie Pruner who has been in attendance at the sessions of Pittsburg Business college has returned home. James Wherry of Greenwich, originally of Ebensburg, has been visiting his old home here the past few days. Ebensburg has another case of diphtheria, the victim this time being "Cap" John Ross, residing near Lake Rowena. Late News of County Clothier C. P. Pannebaker, we are glad to note, is able to be about his store again after being seriously ill for some time with something pretty close to pneumonia. Breaks His Arm Farmer George O'Hara Mets with An Accident While walking down a hill recently, farmer George O'Hara of Munster township, was so unfortunate as to lose his footing and fall heavily to the ground, breaking his right arm above the wrist which is quite a misfortune, especially this busy time of the year. Spangler Hopes for New Hospital Spangler, March 23 Word has been received here from Messrs. T. O. Helfrick and James A. McClain, who went to Harrisburg this week in the interest of the hospital, that they had a satisfactory hearing before the House Appropriations Committee and feel confident of a favorable consideration of the hospital bill. Spangler residents are very desirous of securing an appropriation for a hospital as they feel such an institution is almost a necessity on account of the many mine accidents in the town and vicinity. Capt. Tom Davis Improved The condition of Capt. Tom Davis, whose serious illness was noted in the columns of this paper last week, we are pleased to state is somewhat improved, but he is still confined to bed. Visiting Rev. Jones The Rev. J. A. James, pastor of the Vintondale Baptist church, is spending several days in town as the guest of the Rev. J. Twyson Jones, pastor of the Ebensburg Congregational church. Thursday evening, the visiting reverend preached to an appreciative congregation in the First Congregational Church. Blairsville, Pa. March 27 Walter Murray, a flagman on the West Penn division, while standing in the caboose door of his train was struck by lightning near Bow Station and is paralyzed from the knees down. Altoona March 27 While on his way home to Greenwood, a suburb, George Given, manager of the Altoona Manufacturing Co., was waylaid and robbed by two men of $1,700. Given was so badly used up that he was obliged to crawl home on his hands and knees.