NEWS: Cambria Freeman; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA; Aug 1908 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 21 Aug 1908 Volume 42, Number 32 Local and Personal A band of gypsies has been camping on the east side of town. Miss Rebecca Riley of Altoona is visiting her friend, Miss Lelia Port in this place this week. Draper Lafferty of Altoona is spending a couple of days with his cousin, Mrs. Wm. Davis in the East ward. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bender of Carrolltown spent Sunday in town, the guest of Mrs. Bender's brother, John Schettig. Mrs. Charles E. Laubacher and little daughter, Catharine, of Altoona are the guests of H. A. Englehart and family in this place. Miss Gertrude Cassidy, an employee of THE FREEMAN office and who is off on a three weeks vacation, is spending this week with friends and relatives in Altoona. Jail Warden Ed Knee took a batch of prisoners to the Western Penitentiary Friday morning. He was accompanied to the Smoky City by George Kinkead and Addison Owens. Prof. Charles Yeckley of Gallitzin, who is conducting a dancing school in Ebensburg and who was on the sick list, has recovered from his recent illness and is once more on duty. Messrs. Simon Schrift of Croyle Township, Jesse H. Dimond and his son, George, of Summerhill Township and Robert E. Monaghan of Washington Township were Ebensburg visitors yesterday. Landlord M. J. Stoltz of the Mountain House celebrated his birthday on Saturday by having a number of invited guests take supper with him at his camp, "Peter Pan," near the Fair Ground. Messrs. Herman Burns, George DeLancy and Harry Bolsinger of this place attended a dance at Cresson Wednesday evening and report a pleasant time. They made the trip in Brown's automobile. Mrs. F. J. Hartmann of this place, who was seriously ill for several days since our last issue, has now passed the danger point and no operation for appendicitis will be necessary just now at least, the MOUNTAINEER HERALD to the contrary notwithstanding. D. J. Houck, President of Council for Hastings borough, was in the county seat transacting business on Saturday last and paid THE FREEMAN office a pleasant visit. He expressed the opinion that the typhoid fever epidemic in Hastings is pretty well under control and that the town will ere long be rid of the trouble. A camping party composed of Messrs. Richard Owens, Conrad Brown, Phil Bender, Robert and Russell Leech and Clarence Port, all of this place, left town Monday morning and pitched their tents among the tall timbers about 7½ miles north of here, where they expect to remain two weeks. They have named their headquarters "Camp Hatless." Briefs and Personals Burgess T. A. Bradley of Lilly was in Ebensburg yesterday. Mr. Bradley also holds the position of Factory Inspector in this district. He reports the mining industry reviving somewhat at Lilly. W. A. Kessler of Homestead, President of the Cambria Lumber Company, is in Ebensburg today. M. C. O'Donovan of McKee's Rocks, Allegheny County, is a visitor to Ebensburg today. Mrs. O'Donovan has been a guest at the Hotel Bender for several weeks. Misses Catharine and Cora Cox of Johnstown are spending a couple of weeks at the Mountain House. The condition of the venerable Robert R. Jones of the East ward is somewhat worse than it was last week. Today however, he is resting somewhat easier. Ashville Items J. L. Calvata, a cigar salesman of Altoona, was a town visitor Monday. Miss Edith Everly of Dysart spent a few hours in town Sunday. Rev. Father Walsh of St. Augustine was in town Tuesday on his way home from Cresson. John Murphy proved himself a hero last Tuesday when at the center of Main and Railroad streets, he leaped in and stopped a runaway horse belonging to Daniel Wills. The horse was hitched to a buggy which might have been broken had not the animal been caught. The Ashville Coal and Coke Company, after a shut down of several weeks, has resumed operations. George Myers of this place is visiting in Johnstown. Miss Mayme Callihan of Chest Springs spent a few hours in town Wednesday. Martin A. Burgoon of Beaverdale has returned home after spending a few days with relatives in town. Leo Stoy, formerly of this place, but now of Richland, was seen on our streets Tuesday. Joseph Washington of Tyrone passed through here Wednesday on his way to Cresson. William Lovell of Tyrone was in town this week. Charles Latterner of Cresson spent a few hours in town Tuesday. Misses Etta and Dorothy Sutton of near Chest Springs were in town Wednesday. Otto Ripple of this place is visiting in Chest Springs this week. Joseph Dundrea of Gallitzin was a business visitor here Tuesday. Rev. Roger S. O'Donnell of Altoona was in town Monday. Reunion of the Miller and Seese Families J. B. Lehman and Family at Reunions of Relatives Mrs. J. B. Lehman and three children left Ebensburg Saturday evening last for Scalp Level and Mr. Lehman following on Monday evening to be present at the reunion of the descendants of the Rev. Moses Miller, of whom Mrs. Lehman is one, on the Miller homestead near Geistown, Tuesday at which 200 persons were in attendance. The day was pleasantly spent and doubtless the reunions will be continued in the future. Rev. Moses B. Miller was a minister of the Amish or Mennonite Church for nearly 50 years, preceding his death in 1902, most of which time he was a bishop of that denomination. On the following day the reunion of the Seese family of which Mr. Lehman is a descendant took place at the Seese home in Paint Township, Somerset County. This reunion was also the occasion of a large gathering and like the Miller reunions has come to be an annual affair. Mr. Lehman returned to Ebensburg yesterday evening. To Atlantic City by Auto T. Stanton Davis, Schuyler C. Davis, Attorneys H. H. Myers, Walter Jones, E. H. Davis and Dr. D. H. Shoemaker composed a party that left here at noon Friday in T. Stanton Davis' big touring car for Atlantic City to remain a couple of weeks. The party went by way of Altoona, Bedford Springs, Gettysburg and Philadelphia. Word was received here Monday that they reached the shore safely. Dan R. Schnabel Honored Dan R. Schnabel, an energetic and successful young business man of Johnstown, the proprietor of a carriage and wagon manufactory, has been elected a Director of the First National Bank of Conemaugh. Dan will make a first-class director as he thoroughly understands the business of banking and is a man of unquestioned integrity. Judge O'Connor Goes to Seattle Accompanied by His wife, Cambria Jurist Takes a Trip to the Pacific Coast Judge and Mrs. Francis J. O'Connor left Johnstown on Monday evening for Chicago from whence they departed for Seattle, Washington, where Judge O'Connor will attend the meeting of the American Bar Association. Judge J. R. Savidge of Northumberland County will hold court in Ebensburg during the first week of the September term during Judge O'Connor's absence. Another Murder in Cambria County John Goloch was fatally stabbed by Andy Pastur, another Slav, in a free fight at Twin Rocks Saturday night last and died of the effects of his wounds in the Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, Wednesday morning last. Pastur escaped after the affray and has not as yet been apprehended. Is Corps (sic) that of Rosenbloom? Body Found in Trunk in New Jersey Swamp Supposed to be That of Windber Merchant Suspicion is rife in Windber that the body of a man found squeezed into a trunk partly covered with brush in a New Jersey Swamp is that of Solomon Rosenbloom whose disappearance from his home in Windber in November last, followed a few days thereafter by the continued absence from that town of his son, Alex Rosenbloom, created suspicion of foul play and extended searches for the body of the supposed victim came to naught and the search was finally abandoned. Solomon Rosenbloom was said to be addicted to the intemperate use of intoxicating liquor and this may have caused his son to do away with him. The whereabouts of Alex Roesenbloom are still unknown. Dead Man in Spangler Reservoir Body Found Floating in Water in Bad State of Decomposition Yesterday morning a lineman of the Northern Cambria Street Railway saw the body of a man floating in the reservoir which supplies the Borough of Spangler with water. That the body had been in the water a considerable length of time is indicated by the fact that it was in an advanced state of decomposition. The body was conveyed to the establishment of Undertaker Wyland where Doctors Dunsmore, Wheeler and Helfrick assisted Coroner McMillen in performing an autopsy from which it appeared that the victim was a man of about 35 years of age with a brown mustache and had evidently been in the water about six weeks. In his pockets was found $1.52 and a cheap watch. There were no indications of foul play on the body. Who the man was is not known. Mr. Gooderham Returned Home H. M. Gooderham of Carroll Township returned to his home on Friday of last week from St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburg, where he had been on August 4th successfully operated on for appendicitis and is now nearly well from the effects of the operation. Letters Lately Issued Estate of Frances Ramsey, late of Westmont. Letters of administration issued to W. H. C. Ramsey. Estate of Lackey Kelly, late of Johnstown. Will probated and letters issued to Patrick McDevitt and Edward D. Grealey.