NEWS: Cambria Freeman; 1909; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Cambria Freeman Ebensburg, Pa. Friday, 30 Jul 1909 Volume 43, Number 31 Local and Personal Walter Bolsinger of this place will remove with his family to Nebraska in the near future. H. A. Lieb of Sunbury visited his father, Casper Lieb, and other relatives in this place Sunday. Dr. Edward Shoemaker of Tyrone spent Sunday in Ebensburg with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shoemaker. Thos. Siviter, who had been spending a few days with his wife and family at the Roberts home on High Street, has returned to Pittsburg. Henry L. Cooper, one of Loreto's prominent citizens, paid THE FREEMAN office a pleasant call while in town Thursday on business. Miss Gertrude Cassidy of this place returned home Tuesday from a three weeks visit with friends and relatives in Spangler, Hastings and Patton. Philip G. Fenlon, who is employed in the offices of the Carnegie Steel Company at Donora, is visiting his family and numerous friends in this place. Milton Connell of Philadelphia is visiting his wife and family who have been spending the summer here with Mrs. Connell's mother, Mrs. V. S. Barker. John F. Tibbott and Calvin Port, his son-in-law, of this place, and Frank G. Hettler of Altoona, a grandson of Mr. Tibbott, have gone to Niagara Falls on an excursion. George Langbein, one of Patton's progressive citizens, was among the Ebensburg visitors Wednesday. Mr. Langbein was formerly a resident of this place and has many friends here. Miss Emma Sheeler of Johnstown, who had been the guest of Miss Mildred Owens for several days, returned home Sunday afternoon. Miss Sheeler was quite ill during her stay in Ebensburg. Mark Frailey and Herman Byrnes of Ebensburg have gone to Detroit and Mt. Clemens, Mich., where they will remain for a week or so. While in Detroit, Mr. Byrnes will look over the new Hudson "20" and hopes to be the first Cambria county purchaser of the car. A band of gypsies is encamped near town and the people of the town are being solicited by their women folk to buy all sorts of lace and needlework. The men trade horses, but seem to be content with what business comes their way, as they seldom leave the camp. Miss Josephine Klucker, who is the head night nurse at the Cambria Hospital, Johnstown, is spending her vacation at her home in Ebensburg. Her sister, Esther, came home with her after spending several weeks in Johnstown. Miss Mary Klucker, who had also been in Johnstown, will return at the end of the week. Additional Personals F. C. Sharbaugh Esq. and wife are visiting in New York state. Walter Jones, Esq. is taking in the Alaska–Yukon exposition at Seattle, Wash. H. J. Crouse, formerly of Ebensburg, has gone to the National Soldier's Home at Old Point Comfort, Va. Mrs. C. J. Blair and family of this place will leave soon for Pittsburg where they will reside in the future. Frank Jones and family of this place will leave shortly on an extended trip in the west. After spending some time at Omaha, Neb., they will go to Seattle. Mrs. O'Connor is 76 Judge F. J. O'Connor and Attorney James B. O'Connor drove Tuesday to the O'Connor country place at Forwardstown to spend the day with their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Connor. They remained on the farm until they had celebrated jointly the 76th birthday anniversary of their mother and the 18th anniversary of Miss Mary, a daughter of Attorney James O'Connor. Wednesday Mrs. Elizabeth O'Connor, accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Croyle, a relative, went to Petoskey, Mich., to visit Mrs. O'Connor's only sister, Mrs. Sarah Wingate. Two Grown-Ups Lost in Forest; Waited for Light Cleveland Couple Found in Dense Thicket Two Miles from County Seat after Long Search Searching Party in Auto Tired, hungry and thirsty, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benham, a young married couple of Cleveland, were found at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, sitting on a log in the dense thickets of the California tract, about two miles from town. They had lost their way while picking berries and searching parties were sent out for them. The Cleveland people have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Benham's mother, Mrs. Mary Maloney of the Center Ward. They started for the woods early Monday afternoon and went deep into the thickets. With dusk they started for home, but soon discovered they were lost. Not being familiar with the forest and unable to go any farther in the pitchy darkness, the couple sat down on a log to wait for daybreak. In the meantime the Maloney people and all their friends were aroused. Three or four parties went out in automobiles. In T. Stanton Davis' car were Mr. Davis, Al Meisel, Ray Bolsinger, Louis Evans and James Tibbott. With five lanterns among them, these men, leaving the auto in the road, penetrated the thicket for a distance of probably a mile before their calls were answered by Mr. Benham. Mr. and Mrs. Benham were then reached without much difficulty and taken back in the auto. They were somewhat scratched about the face and hands from going through the bushes and briars but are all right otherwise. Pursued Six Girls Ehrenfeld Young Men Alleged to have Attempted Assault Ehrenfeld, July 27 -- In default of bail in the sum of $500 each, John Metako and Mike Sobel of this place, aged about 20 years, were taken to Ebensburg today by Constable Richardson to await trial on charges of assault and battery with intent, preferred before Squire Isidore Simendlinger of this place by Mrs. Wilt and Mrs. Karkowicz in behalf of their daughters. The young foreigners were given a hearing before the justice last evening when it was developed that they had followed six young girls, whose ages range from 12 to 16 years, to a picnic ground near Sunshine Sunday and there attempted to assault them. The girls, who are all from Sunshine, testified that when they were overtaken by the young fellows, the latter grabbed two of them and attempted to assault them. The girls, however, escaped and the arrest of the young men followed. Engagement Announced The engagement of James B. Gauntner of Cresson and Miss Rose McGuire, daughter of George L. McGuire of near Loretto has been announced. The wedding is to take place the morning of the Aug. 10 in St. Michael's Catholic Church at Loretto, the services being performed by the Rev. Father Ferdinand Kittell. Miss McGuire is well known and popular in this section of the county. She is a sister of Attorney William A. McGuire of Ebensburg. After a short wedding tour, the young people will reside in Cresson. Jacob Berkey Wm. Berkey and family of Altoona attended the funeral of Mr. Berkey's father, Jacob Berkey, in this place this week.