DEATHS: 1903 Coroner's Report, Cambria County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ Cambria Freeman January 8, 1904 Was a Busy Year for the Coroner According to a compilation made by the Johnstown "Democrat," during the year 1903 in the neighborhood of 190 people met their death within the boundaries of Cambria County, from other than natural causes. Of this number 156 were investigated by the Coroner Dr. E. L. Miller, while the rest were deemed accidental or were not investigated for other reasons. The list of cases investigated is as follows: January Inquests: John J. Smith, fractured skull caused by blow from John McIntyre at Cresson. Views: Mike Paige, killed on railroad in Conemaugh. Peter Vossell, killed on railroad in Conemaugh. William Burns, killed on Brownstown Crossing. Joseph Maclovic, killed in mine at Conemaugh. Andy Kabula, killed on railroad in Gallitzin. Robert Pood, killed by crane at Franklin Plant, Cambria Steel Company. Mike Velemrovic, killed at Franklin Plant. Joseph Olegine, killed in mine at Carrolltown. Sadie Wiley, committed suicide on the Frankstown road. February Inquests: William Seigh, found dead at home in Barnesboro, jury decided death was natural. Hartley Given, murdered by unknown persons on the Frankstown road. Stephen Velastic, killed by unknown parties at Cresson with an axe. Antonio Grillo and wife, killed by dynamite explosion at their home in Portage. Views: L. K. White, killed in wreck on railroad near Lovett. E. W. Walters, killed in same wreck. William Williams, killed in mine near Hastings Isaac Davis, ground to pieces by train near South Fork. Gerard Wellsby, met death on rail near South Fork. William Sleeman, killed in mines near Cresson Peter Jarvis, found dead from exposure at Cresson. James Smith, struck by B. & O. train in Eighth ward. March Inquests: Pat Waldon, killed on railroad in Eleventh Ward Peter McGulic, shot at Barnesboro late in 1902, found in open lot near town mentioned four months later Anthony Bordez, killed in smash up in South Fork mines of the South Fork Coal Company. John Stamp, killed in same accident. Frank McClain, killed in same accident at same time. Views: Charles Lufah, killed at Cambria Blast Furnaces. Charles Paul, mines at Gallitzin. Andy Hovrdiska, mines at Franklin. James Miles, freight train of South Fork. Annie Scoff, accidental poisoning, South Fork. Joseph Martisco, mine at Benscreek. Unknown man, train at Gallitzin. Hiram Ortis, railroad at Engleside. Unknown white child, found at Wilmore. April Inquests: John Washington, negro lad, accidentally hurt at home in the Seventh Ward. Views: George Wicklic, Cambria Blast Furnaces. Frank White, killed by train, Morrellville. Edward Watt, railroad, Ashville. Gordon Miller, railroad, Lilly. Unknown man, railroad, Gallitzin. David Thomas, railroad, Ebensburg Branch. Andy Youkhous, exposure, Portage Mills. John Fitzgerald, railroad, Stone Bridge. May Inquests: C. E. Steele, killed on railroad in Ashville in 1902. Views: Michael Crown, locomotive, Cambria yards. John M. Dumford, water tanks, Prospect. ------Devine, railroad, Conemaugh. James Suckries, Cambria yards. Mike Kacash, mines, Lilly. William Goesbach, mines, Conemaugh Guana Ansler, railroad, Wilmore. Albert Bohn, car shop, Frankstown. Daniel Sopko, mines, Spangler. Frank Tracolo, railroad, South Fork. John Wynn, car shops, Franklin. Steve Johanna, railroad, Franklin. John Kane, railroad, Ehrenfeld. June Inquests: John Shilling, shot accidentally near Nicktown. Views: Mike Misvuric, mines, Spangler. Mike Blansic, railroad, Spangler. Edward Trevennon, mines, South Fork. Paul Griska, gas, Blast Furnace. July: No inquests held in this month. Views: Steve Martan, railroad, Fifteen Ward. Albert Kittell, choked to death, Dunlo. Peter Quinn, railroad, Conemaugh. Restivo Calogars, railroad, Lilly. Angelus Pelleret, railroad, South Fork. Paul Nemartquet, mines, Carrolltown. Thomas Blum, fell through Ten Acre Bridge. Harry C. Repine, railroad, Johnstown. John Sell, Sheridan Station. Frank Kirk, railroad, Sheridan. George Kanayvot, car shop, Franklin. Henry Buoyo, elevator, Merchants' Hotel. W. H. John, mines, Johnstown. Joseph Lape, died from natural causes, Eighth Ward. John Schreck, cog wheels crane, Franklin. Elmer Williams, railroad, Gallitzin. Mrs. Mary Repine, fell from window, Morrellville. John Senora, blast furnaces, Cambria Company. Smith McCrory, elevator, Thomas' Store. August Inquests: Laura Taylor, murdered on Frankstown road by Frank Davis. Jacob Lape, found dead at Cassandra. Andy Sabodic, shot near Lilly. William Burns, killed by street car, Johnstown. Robert Snowball, shot himself, Cresson. Views: William Garland, railroad, Cresson. Frank Topa, railroad, Sang Hollow. Henry Brown, mines, Ehrenfeld. John Birshno, mines, Lloydell. James Murphy, mines, Portage. James Casey, railroad, Summerhill. Argo -------, railroad, Summerhill. Michael Cooney, railroad, Lilly. Adolph Boeklar, found dead, Tenth Ward. Louis Fondelier, suicide, Johnstown. George Marks, mines, Patton. Thomas Ricclardine, found dead, Benscreek. Joseph Hucsac, ore stock yards. William Davis, railroad, Cresson. September Inquests: William Carter, Franklin O'Neil, shot and killed by Harry Hershberger in Morrellville. Views: Tony Chaprano, mines, Ehrenfeld. Albert F. Grove, shot near Vinco by brother. Unknown child found at Benscreek. Matthew Beckley, poisoned near Geistown. Mike Kretz, mines, South Fork. John Turkeminan, forge shop, Franklin Plant. William Cater, Franklin Plant. William Moschgat, railroad, Eleventh Ward. Frank Johnson, railroad, South Fork. Mike Pupich, mines, Cambria Steel Company. October Inquests: John Kushman, shot in Brownstown by Martin Buhala. Joseph Mangus, shot on Frankstown road. Irvin Oakes, mines, South Fork. Daniel Brown, natural causes, Sonman. Peter Pavitz, shot at Garman's Mills. Views: Mike Margo, railroad, Cresson. Joseph Houghton, works of Lorain Company, Moxham. William Crook, mines, Patton. Revill Nicolo, railroad, Portage. Thomas Coy, falling stack, Twin Rocks. November Inquests: Twenty-four foreigners burned to death at Lilly. Peter Matzi, died at home in Ninth Ward from blow alleged to have been struck by his aged father. Eugene Waters, accidentally shot himself, St. Boniface. Views: Henry Goldshine, found dead at his home, No. 165 Horner street. William P. Thompson, railroad, near Stone Bridge. Steward Jensemer, railroad, Lloydell. Frank Cosivelli, sawmill, Beaverdale. It will be remembered that during the month of December, the Coroner held but one inquest - that over the body of Sam Pawich who was fatally stabbed in Cambria City on December 7th and died at the Memorial Hospital a day or so later. During the month of December there were twelve or thirteen cases which the Coroner did not investigate at all. During the entire year it is estimated that twenty persons came to their death by other causes than natural but these the Coroner did not investigate, deeming them accidental. This list is not nearly as large as that for the year 1902, when over 200 cases were investigated by the Coroner. It must be remembered, however, that of that list 113 were killed in the explosion in the Rolling Mill Mine.