Cambria County PA Archives Wills.....Harkey, Michael August 9, 1895 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stephen Pinkerton May 8, 2005, 1:21 pm Source: Transcribed From Sampubco Copy Cambria County, Pa, Will Book Vol. 5, Page 142 Written: August 9, 1895 Recorded: August 26, 1895 Last Will and Testament of Michael Harkey Last Will and Testament of Michael Harkey of Clearfield Township, Cambria County Pennsylvania I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Catharine Harkey all my real estate and also my Personal property. My real estate consists of about Seventy Five Acres of ground Situate in Clearfield Twp during her natural lifetime, Providing she remains my widow My personal property consists of two horses and one suckling colt, 1 milk cow 1 2 horse wagon, 1 Spring wagon and one buggy and other farming implements and house hold and kitchen furniture the personal property is left to her without any conditions attached to them at all. My wife is to have the control of all of the crops growing on the place or Harvested and put in the Barn to dispose of or keep as She see best. After the death of my wife Catherine the Executor shall sell the place and after paying all debts and expenses concerning the burying and so forth of her he shall divide the Balance as follows: To my daughter Annie intermarried with Albert Pringle the Executor is first to pay her One hundred Dollars Then to my daughter Catharine Harkey I will and bequeath the sum of Fifty dollar – Then the balance in the hands of the Executor Shall be divided into four equal parts and given to my three boys John Harkey and James Harkey and Thomas Harkey and to my daughter Annie intermarried with Albert Pringle. I appoint as my executor Dennis Cawley of Ashville, Cambria County Pa, signed and delivered in the presence of Dennis Cawley, Hugh Collins and L. J. Litzinger Made this Ninth day of August A D. 1895 in Clearfield Township, Cambria Co, Pennsylvania Michael Harkey Witnesses Hugh Collins L. J. Litzinger Cambria County, S. S. Before me Daniel A. McGough, Registrar of the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for said County personally came Hugh Collins and L. J. Litzinger the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will who being duly sworn according to law do each dispose and say that they were present and saw and heard Michael Harkey the within named testator sign, seal, publish pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last Will and Testament and at the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge, observation and belief Hugh Collins L. J. Litzinger Sworn and subscribed this 26th day of August A. D. 1895. Daniel A. Mc Gough Register August 26th A. D. 1895 Will Register and Letters Testamentary issued to Dennis Cawley, Executor Daniel A. Mc Gough Register Additional Comments: SAMPUBCO INDEX: HARKEY, MICHAEL; CLEARFIELD; PA-11-5-142 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb