WILLS: Paul KREITZER, 1899, Carroll Township, Cambria County, PA Contributed by Lisa Baker lisa_18406@email.msn.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES (tm) NOTICE All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information are included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ___________________________________________________________ Carroll Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, Vol. 5, Page 455 Last will and Testament of Paul KREITZER In the name of God Amen. I, Paul Kreitzer of Carroll township Cambria County Pa. being of sound mind memory and understanding do make and declare this my last will and testament as follows. First I direct that my body be buried in the Catholic Cemetery at Carrolltown, and that 25 Masses be offered for the repose of my soul. And as to my property I give and bequeath all my real estate and personal property to my wife Julian Kreitzer for her use during her lifetime or as long as she remains my Widow. Excepting one hundred Dollars to be paid to my executor to my Daughter Maggie Kreitzer within one year after my death. In case of death of my said wife or her second Marriage I give and bequeath to my sister Philomena Neibauer, And my sister Christina Herzog each one hundred Dollars, and the rest and residue of my estate both real and persona, I give devise and bequeath to my Daughter Maggie Kreitzer aforesaid now intermarried to James Haley. And lastly, I appoint my friend Frank Springer to the executor of this my Will. Witness my hand and seal this 23 day of June A.D. 1899. Paul Kreitzer "his mark" {seal} Witness: Paul Yahner Frank Diethrich John Baker State of Pennsylvania } County of Cambria } SS (side margin notes) See Receipt of Minnie Neibaugher filed to Orphan Court Receipts for 1904 for $100. Wm. H. Strauss, Rec. Nov. 8, 1904. See Receipt of Christina Hertzog filed to Orphan Court Receipts for 1904 for $100. Wm. H. Strauss, Rec. Nov. 8, 1904. (end side margin notes) Before me F.B. Jones, Register of the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for said County, personally came Paul Yahner and Frank Dietrich, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will, who being duly sworn according to law, do depose and say, that they were present and saw and heard Paul Kreitzer, the within named testator, sign, seal, publish, pronounce, and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last Will and Testament and that the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge, observation and belief. Sworn and subscribed this } Paul Yahner 6th day of July A.D. 1899. } Frank Dietrich F.B. Jones, Register } Registered July 6th A.D. 1899, and Letters Testamentary issued to Frank Springer. F.B. Jones, Register _____ Buried: St. Benedict Cemetery, Carrolltown, PA KRIETZER, Paul Sr., son of Paul Kreutzer, 24 JUN 1899, aged 50 years