BIO: Michael MILLER, Centre County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. _____________________________________________________________________ Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania: Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion: Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Etc. Chicago: J. H. Beers, 1898. _____________________________________________________________________ MICHAEL MILLER, a highly respected resident of Madisonburg, Centre county, is one of the genial, kind-hearted men whose influence is a power for good in any community. An able business man and an active promoter of all lines of local progress, he well deserves mention in this work. Mr. Miller belongs to a well-known pioneer family, his grandfather, Michael Miller, having come from the southern part of the State at an early day to settle upon a farm in Centre county, at Pine Creek, where John Miller, our subject's father, was born and reared. Starting in life with but little help from his father, John Miller made his way through his own efforts to a place of prominence among the agriculturists of the county. His first farm was in Walker township, and at one time, he owned three farms, his estate being inventoried, at his death, at about $30,000. Although farming was his chief occupation, he did much profitable work in threshing in the days of the small horse-power machines, and while the canal was in process of construction he was engaged in butchering. He was a Democrat in politics, but neither sought nor held public office. In early manhood he was united in marriage with Miss Eve Bartholemew, who, like himself, was a devout member of the Reformed Church, in which he held office for many years. Both died at Hublersburg, Centre county, the father at the age of seventy-three, the mother when sixty-eight, and their remains were laid to their final rest at that place. They had eleven children, of whom nine lived to adult age: Catherine married Gideon Dunblazer, and died in Clinton county; Henry died in Walker township, Centre county; John, a farmer is living in semi retirement at Hublersburg; Eliza is the widow of Dr. Samuel Adams, of Illinois; Fannie married Benjamin Reich, and died at Jacksonville, Penn.; Sarah married Job Long of Clinton county; Michael and Mary were twins, the former being our subject, and the latter now the widow of Samuel Goodhart of Centre Hall; Amelia A. COMMEMORATIVE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 206 married (first) John Stover, and (second) Amos Ertly, of Jacksonville. Michael Miller, our subject, was born May 12, 1838, at the old home in Walker township, Centre county, and his education was such as the schools of the district then afforded, comprising only "the three Rs." As the son of thrifty farmer, his time was well employed at home, and he did much hard work in his youth although he was not of large build. On March 16, 1862, he was married in Clinton county to Miss Sarah Brungart, who was born March 29, 1840, the daughter of George Brungart, a leading farmer of that county, and his wife, Elizabeth (Wolford). During the first four years of his married life, Mr. Miller rented the home farm from his father, but in the spring of 1866 he bought, at a cost of $6,000, a farm of eighty-three acres in Miles township, Centre county, known as the George Shaffer farm. He made his home there until 1880, when he sold the place and purchased the "old Schmeltzer farm" near Madisonburg. In the spring of 1886 he removed to that town, where he has since resided and at the same time he bought an eighty-three acre farm in the same township, on which he built a new house, now occupied by his son, George E. In addition to this property and his fine residence in town, he owns 107 acres of mountain land. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have had seven children, whose names with dates of birth, are as follows: Mary I., June 23 1863, died January 19, 1868; George E., October 25, 1864, is a prosperous farmer in Miles township; Sarah K., November 23, 1865, married Clark Gramly of Miles township, Centre county; Elmira M., August 11, 1867, married Charles Smull of Rebersburg; Maggie H., March 11, 1869, died at the age of eighteen; Minnie E., October 11, 1873, and Bertha G., April 16, 1880, are at home. Mrs. Miller is a Lutheran in religion, but our subject is a member of the Reformed Church, in which he has been a deacon and is now an elder. He is a steadfast supporter of Democratic principles, and has been supervisor and overseer of the poor, while as school director, he has done effective work in securing for later generations the educational advantages of which he was deprived in his youth.