Chester-Lancaster County PA Archives News.....Hart Reunion August 29, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dan Lindley September 16, 2005, 9:50 am Daily Local News August 29, 1893 Daily Local News August 29, 1893 Hart Reunion On Saturday, August 26, the members of the Hart family and lots of friends picnicked in the grove of Evan Miller, near Lionville Station, and had a merry time. The day was pleasantly spent in the usual games, without anything to spoil the pleasure. There was abundance of Music, vocal an instrumental, and at 12 o’clock, the command of dinner was given and all marched to the table, which fairly groaned under the weight of good things. After dinner more music was given until supper, and then the hymn was sang, “God be with you ‘till we meet again.” And then there was a hearty hand-shaking god-bye hoping to meet next year. Among those that were present were Peter Hart and wife, Joseph Hart and wife, Olive Hart, Irene Hart, Daniel Knaur and wife, Sheridan Knauer, Cora Knauer, Irene Knauer, Jacob Wertz and wife, Albert Wertz and wife, Joseph Wertz, Clyde Wertz, John Milles and wife, D. Milles, Roger Milles, Willie Milles, Frank Milles and wife, Sallie Milles, May Milles, Evan Milles and wife, R.P. Milles, Warren Milles, Annie Milles, Florence Milles, Geo. Buller and wife, Olive Buller, Irene Buller, A.H. Slonaker and wife, Lizzie Evans, David Adams, Grant Pallsgrove, Mary Gunkle, Hannah Gunkle, Edward Farrer, Frank Whiller, Wm. Slonaker, Martin Rhoads, John Rhoads, John Wise, Ella Major, Susie DeHaven, Agnes DeHaven, Maggie DeHaven. Additional Comments: Buller, DeHaven, Miles surnames associated with this family This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb